As The 2024 Maryland Session Gets Underway, The Victim’s Mother Fights Improvements To Juvenile Law


The state legislature’s 2024 session will start on Wednesday.

Six months have passed since the Brooklyn Day shooting, which was likely Baltimore’s worst mass killing ever.

On July 2, 2023, two people were shot and killed. One of them was Aaliyah Gonzalez, who was 18 years old.

It’s no secret that Krystal Gonzalez, Aaliyah’s mother, thinks that rules for teens need to change.

When Krystal talked to Fox45, she talked about what she thought about Governor Wes Moore calling DJS Secretary Vincent Schiraldi a reformer.

I believe we’ve all seen the evidence of what his practices are, it’s not working,” stated Gonzalez.

Schiraldi thinks that a child’s mind isn’t fully formed until they are 25 years old. Gonzalez completely disagrees with this.

They know what’s right and wrong.” I can hear you saying that a child younger than 25 years old should be in a system for adults. We do a lot of adult things between the ages of 13 and 25. But when you see a violent criminal do something violent, all of a sudden he doesn’t know any better. “I think that’s crazy,” Gonzalez said.

Even though many people have been caught in the Brooklyn Day shooting so far, no one has been charged with killing Aaliyah.

“This is why Aaliyah went to the block party for Brooklyn Day.” “My child gave up her life so that we could start to show how broken these systems are,” Gonzalez said.

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