After The Clinton Township Explosion, State Lawmakers Are On The Verge Of Passing A Ban On Whippets


“Just because it’s accessible and legal does not mean it’s safe,” said Natalie Price, a Democrat State Representative.

Price is talking about nitrous oxide, sometimes known as whippets. It’s a rapid high readily available at gas stations.

Hundreds of whippet canisters were among the unlawfully stored goods that erupted during Monday’s big warehouse fire and explosion in Clinton Township.

“When I heard that nitrous oxide was a factor in this explosion, it just felt like it made me feel like the work that we’re doing – there’s a reason,” she went on to say.

Price, along with other state politicians, pushed hard to pass legislation that makes selling the little cartridges illegal in Michigan.

“The high that people get from it is only a few seconds but the consequences can be for the rest of their lives,” Price went on to say.

Nitrous oxide is frequently promoted to young people.

“It can turn into a great gateway drug for these young people,” Republican Sen. Joseph Bellino stated. “In the world of addiction we’re not sure what the real gateway drug is for everybody across the spectrum, usually it’s what ever you can get a hold of.”

“One of the problems that we see, is since nitrous oxide is legal to purchase and it’s so wildly available, that people assume it’s safe to inhale,” he added.

“If you want to raise awareness and get the knowledge out there to people who care, and if the people who care, have more power than the people who don’t care – we get things done.” Bellino.

The legislation has cleared both the State House and the State Senate and will be signed into law by the Governor.

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