Freezing Temperatures Grip the Big Apple, but Warmer Days Are Ahead


Old Man Winter maintained his hold on the Big Apple, with temperatures unable to rise above freezing across the tri-state area.

Central Park had an afternoon high of 31 degrees, which is 8 degrees below average. After enjoying above-normal temperatures on 11 of the first 14 days of the month, New Yorkers have now seen seven consecutive days of below-normal temperatures.

Expect temperatures to continue pretty cold as we into the nighttime hours. Temperatures will fall into the low to mid-20s in most places, with a few teens expected north and west. The winds will also pick cold at times, making it seem like single digits outside, so dress appropriately. The sky will become largely clear.

Expect the winter chill to gradually fade over the following few days. High pressure will build to our south, forcing the frigid air back into Canada. Afternoon highs are predicted to be in the mid-40s tomorrow through Wednesday, around 50 degrees on Thursday, and above 60 degrees on Friday.

The only quirk in the prediction is that we will get some rain in the second half of the week. Those living north and west of the city, particularly in Morris, Sussex, and Passaic counties, as well as the lower Hudson Valley, should keep a watch on it. Rainfall and melting snow and ice may produce flooding on several rivers.

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