Empowering the Community: Lowndes County Extension’s Educational Initiatives


The Lowndes County office of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System has been busy! Take a look and plan to join us for one of our many learning events.

Together with the Alabama Forestry Commission, the Lowndes County office of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System gave away free trees to nearly 100 people in Lowndes County on February 28 in front of the courthouse in Hayneville. “Today in Alabama,” WSFA’s morning show, talked about our event at 5:30 and 6:00 a.m.

Urban Regional Extension Agent Roosevelt Robinson, Ed.D. taught seniors at the Hayneville Senior Center and to senior citizens who met at the White Hall Town Hall building how to watch birds. Dr. Robinson is teaching older people about local species in February. Soon, seniors will make bird feeders to put at home and at the center.

Beth Fair, who is in charge of 4-H youth development, and some kids from Lowndes County had a fun and exciting day. On March 6, our Lowndes County 4-H and FFA Livestock Judging Team tried something new. The kids are stuck because they took part in the SLE Livestock Judging contest.

It’s easy to join 4-H. Just call 334-548-2315 and ask to speak with Mrs. Fair.

Animal figures were made out of paper bags by the 4-H Cloverbuds. The game was all about using the given materials in creative ways and thinking “outside the box.” Additionally, 4-H kids in Mosses found their “green thumbs” by growing food in raised beds made of containers. Call Mrs. Fair at 334-548-2315 if you want your child to join in on the fun in Lowndes County 4-H.

A lot of people came to our training on being ready for bad weather in February at Snow Hill Christian Church in Mt. Willing. 30 NOAA weather radios were given to people in the area by Helenor Bell of Ace Hardware in Hayneville, Stacey Woodley of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System TES, and Reverend Dr. Dale Braxton of Snow Hill Christian Church. ACE Hardware in Hayneville gave the radios away for free.

The Alabama Emergency Management Agency, the American Red Cross, the South Central Alabama Development Commission, and the Governor’s Office on Volunteer Services all gave presentations and gave out items for people to put in their extreme weather kits.

Janet Johnson, a Regional Extension Agent, gave a ServSafe class in Lowndes County at the beginning of February.

A Food Entrepreneur Conference will be held at Extension from April 9th to 10th. Keep an eye out for more details.

In February, Synthia Flowers, a Regional Extension Agent, went to Hayneville Middle to talk to the kids there about the risks of vaping. Call Flowers at 205-325-5342 to find out more about the Escape Vape program or to set up a time for her to talk to your kids.

A lesson on how to handle wild pigs will be held at the Southern Sportsman Hunting Lodge on April 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can sign up at www.aces.edu/event/wild-pig-workshop/ or get more information by calling Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360.

On April 18, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Extension will hold a free elder law clinic at the Whitehall Town Hall for adults 60 years and past. Appointments are held for 30 minutes at a time for each person or pair. Call 334-548-2315 to sign up.

Come to All About Eggs on April 25. Dr. Brigid McCrea, an expert in small-group poultry for the Alabama Cooperative Extension, will teach her second class on backyard poultry in Lowndes County.

The All About Eggs workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Lowndes County Commission Meeting Room, located in the basement of the Charles Smith Courthouse Annex Building at 205 East Tuskeena Street in Hayneville.

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