WOMAN HOSPITALIZED AFTER SINGLE-VEHICLE CRASH With Power Pole Near Fresno Walmart on Cedar and Shields

Image by: NewsBreak

Fresno, CA – A single-vehicle crash that happened on the afternoon of Sunday, August 11, 2024, resulted in a woman being sent to the hospital after she collided with a power pole in the vicinity of a Walmart, as reported by The Fresno Bee.

The incident took place in the vicinity of Cedar and Shields Avenues at approximately 3:45 in the afternoon. In the aftermath of the collision, the authorities are continuing their investigation into the circumstances.

Because of the collision with the woman’s vehicle, the power pole was pushed over, which resulted in substantial disruptions to the service that PG&E provided to its consumers. The traffic in both directions was rerouted to safeguard the safety of the general public because of the low-hanging wires.

Responders from the emergency services took the woman to a nearby hospital so that she could receive medical care for her injuries.

The investigation into the reason for the accident is still ongoing, and the police have not definitively ruled out the potential that the motorist was impaired at the time of the collision.

Depending on the circumstances, investigations may reveal that some of the responsibility for a collision involving a single car lies with other drivers in the vicinity or even with faulty roadway constructions. Personal injury attorneys provide some important services, one of which is the ability to sort through these details to assist victims and their families in obtaining appropriate compensation.

An attorney who specializes in personal injury can get into negotiations with insurance companies on behalf of the victim if culpability has been established. Considering that insurance companies often try to minimize payouts for claims that they are unable to dismiss, having legal representation is necessary to obtain reasonable compensation.


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