Woman Accused of MURDERING BOYFRIEND and PUTTING BODY IN SUITCASE Parts Ways with 8th ‘Disrespectful’ Defense Attorney

Image by: Fox News

The lawyer for Sarah Boone has asked to be taken off of her case, which means that the suspected killer has to find a new defense lawyer.

Jorge Torres, Boone’s boyfriend, died in Winter Park, Florida, in February 2020. Boone, 42, has been charged with second-degree murder in his death. Police say he died after she put him in a bag. Bogue has said that her boyfriend died after a game of hide-and-seek.

She told police that the couple was drunk and laughing about how funny it would be if he got stuck in the bags. He was in the bag when she fell asleep in bed. When she woke up hours later, she saw that he was still there and called 911.

Police said they found two videos on the woman’s phone that showed the guy yelling that he couldn’t breathe while she laughed. It is said that she said, “Yeah, that’s what you do when you choke me.”

She is said to have said, “That’s on you.” “That’s how I feel when you cheat on me.”

Police said that one of the videos shows the man trying to get away. Another one shows the bags in a different spot while Torres calls for Boone. Investigators said they arrested Boone because her comments didn’t make sense.

Patricia Cashman, who used to be Boone’s defense lawyer, filed a move this week asking to be taken off the case. She is the eighth lawyer to do so.

Cashman told the court that they couldn’t get along because of “irreconcilable differences,” which could include “ethical considerations.” Court TV says that Cashman defended Boone at a meeting on Friday.

While that hearing was going on, Boone wrote a 58-page letter to the judge whining about Cashman, calling him condescending.

Boone told the judge on Friday, “I’ve never met anyone like Ms. Cashman.” It doesn’t matter how stupid I am to try to live with her because she will change how she acts and behaves toward me. I even came up with the idea of acting like a judge when I talk to her so that she might try to treat me properly and appropriately, which she doesn’t do.

The woman has bad things to say about all of her previous lawyers.

After Boone called him a “dud” and a “buffoon,” Frank Bankowitz, the sixth lawyer to defend the suspected killer, dropped out of the case.

The seventh lawyer dropped out of the case after the defendant wrote letters to the court talking about how they talked to them.

At the meeting on Friday, the lawyer pushed back against what Boone said. She said she talked to her for hours and took calls from jail. She told the judge that Boone was the one who wouldn’t work with her.

She told the judge, “I’ve spent over 20 hours going through her questions and lists.” “She chose to leave the jail conference when I tried to tell her about the recent depositions I took.” She left when I tried to go over some things with her about finding that I wanted to make sure she knew about.

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