UAW Backs Biden: Auto Workers Union Endorses President for Reelection, Choosing Biden Over Trump

The announcement was made by UAW President Shawn Fain during a union conference in Washington, DC, declaring the endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection this year by the United Auto Workers union.

The announcement was made by UAW President Shawn Fain during a union conference in Washington, DC, declaring the endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection this year by the United Auto Workers union.

Fain expressed pride in standing alongside the International Executive Board to convey the union’s endorsement of Joe Biden for the presidency, asserting, “We will re elect Joe Biden.” 

Notably, the union’s decision to endorse a Democratic presidential candidate, while generally expected, follows a period of perceived reluctance by Fain, who had previously emphasized the need for politicians, including Biden, to earn UAW endorsements.

In response to the endorsement announcement, President Biden remarked, “I have fulfilled my commitment to be the most pro-union president in history. I am honored to have your support, and I reciprocate that support. That’s the agreement.”

This development follows closely on the outcome of the New Hampshire primary, where former President Donald Trump secured victory over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

UAW’s Influence in Michigan Elections

The announcement was made by UAW President Shawn Fain during a union conference in Washington, DC, declaring the endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection this year by the United Auto Workers union.

The endorsement holds significant importance for any candidate aiming to win the pivotal state of Michigan, given the potential influence of the UAW in the region.

 With over 400,000 active members and more than 580,000 retired members, a considerable portion of whom reside in the state, the Detroit-based union wields substantial sway.

During the endorsement of Biden, Fain expressed robust criticism for the presumed Republican opponent.

Notably, he underscored this critique by presenting a slide that was intended to illustrate “what Trump said and what actions he took to help the American auto workers” during his first term, only to reveal that the slide was blank.

Electric Vehicle Concerns Delay Biden’s Support

In May, Fain conveyed that the union would refrain from endorsing Biden’s reelection until the UAW’s apprehensions regarding the automotive industry’s shift toward all-electric vehicles were adequately addressed.

This stance resonated significantly. In September, Biden made history by becoming the first sitting US president to actively participate in an ongoing UAW picket line, rallying alongside workers outside a General Motors parts facility. 

This visit occurred one week after Fain extended an invitation to supporters, ranging from friends and family to the President of the United States, to join union picket lines against major automakers, including GM, Ford Motor, and Stellantis (Chrysler parent company).

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