Three 11-year-old Girls Thwart Kidnapping Attempt of 6-year-old Neighbor in Kent, Police Say


Three 11-year-old girls in Kent, Washington, were hailed as heroes after thwarting an attempted kidnapping of their 6-year-old neighbor, authorities said.

In a statement issued Wednesday, Kent police described receiving a 911 call from a witness who witnessed a guy attempt to steal a little child. After the witness described the individual, authorities came and pursued him down.

Following the man’s arrest, three 11-year-old girls informed police that they were walking toward an ice cream truck when they observed their 6-year-old neighbor being grabbed by an unknown man who was clutching her wrist. According to authorities, the child appeared terrified and told the man to let her go.

The girls started recording on their phones and approached the man. He scooped up the infant and attempted to walk away, but the girls stopped him and asked whether he recognized the girl. He said he did, but the small girl shook her head in denial. The man then set her down and disappeared, while the three girls securely returned the youngster to her apartment.

Later, the child’s parents told authorities that the man was a stranger. A family member told NBC affiliate KING in Seattle that they were startled. “We’re grateful for the people who called police and caught the guy,” he told reporters.

The suspect, a 40-year-old Kent resident, was arrested on charges of kidnapping and put into King County Jail. Police did not give his name.

“We are impressed beyond words at the maturity and protectiveness displayed by these preteen girls,” the Kent Police Department remarked. “Without their intervention, the excellent description of the suspect from the 911 caller, and the swift response by multiple KPD Officers, the outcome would have changed dramatically.”


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