This State Has Been Named the Murder Capital of Louisiana


Even though Louisiana is known for its lively music, diverse cuisine, and lively culture, it also has one of the highest murder rates in the United States.

According to new FBI data, 12.4 killings happened for every 100,000 people in Louisiana in 2020, making it second only to Mississippi.

When we look for the most dangerous place in Louisiana with the highest murder rate, we find New Orleans, which is known as the state’s murder capital.

Some History and Facts About New Orleans

With an expected 393,779 residents in 2020, New Orleans will be the largest city in Louisiana. The city has a long past that goes back to 1718 when French colonists founded it.

The city has a long past of violence and crime, but it is also known for its French Quarter, Mardi Gras celebrations, jazz music, and Cajun and Creole food.

New Orleans has had problems for a long time, like poverty, corruption, racial issues, natural disasters, and gang conflicts, even though it has a lot of cultural appeal.

As a result of making social and economic problems worse, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a rise in murders not seen since the 1990s.

There were 201 killings in the city in 2020, which is 70% more than the previous year. This gave the city the highest murder rate in the state and the third-highest rate in the country.

What Caused It and What Effects It Still Has

New Orleans has a high murder rate because of many things, such as poverty, unemployment, drug trade, domestic violence, mental health problems, and easy access to guns. Experts also say that problems with law enforcement and the criminal justice system are big reasons for this.

A non-profit watchdog group called the Metropolitan Crime Commission points out the problems the New Orleans Police Department has, such as not having enough staff, money, or training.

The department has had a hard time hiring and keeping staff since 2010, when more than 500 cops were lost. A low murder clearance rate also means that many cases are not solved or punished, which makes things even harder for the city and its people.

Dealing With Problems and Giving People Hope

Even though things look bad, there are efforts to lower the murder rate and make New Orleans safer. The city’s plan to reduce violence includes increasing the number of police officers, getting more people involved in the community, providing social services, and starting programs to avoid and deal with violence.

Groups from the community and non-profits help with these activities. For example, Silence Is Violence helps survivors and families of murder victims, and CeaseFire New Orleans uses violence interrupters to help settle arguments and connect people who are at high risk with resources.

People are hopeful about the new government, which is run by Mayor LaToya Cantrell and Police Chief Shaun Ferguson.

Residents and leaders are looking forward to good changes and reforms, especially now that the COVID-19 vaccine is being rolled out and the economy is getting better. These may help ease the city’s stress and suffering.


New Orleans is both a place of celebration and struggle, and it struggles with being known as the murder capital of Louisiana. Even though there are problems, the city has a lot of promise.

It needs more attention, more resources, and better ways to bring peace, justice, and hope to the people who live there.

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