This Georgian City Overtakes the Record for the Highest Weed Consumption Rate!


Thanks to a decision made by the Georgia Constitutional Court in 2018, Georgia is one of the few nations in the world where cannabis is allowed for both recreational and medicinal usage. Nonetheless, there are differences in the amount of cannabis consumption amongst Georgian cities. Tbilisi is the city that sticks out as being the most cannabis-friendly in the nation, per a recent survey.

Tbilisi: Georgia’s Cannabis Capital

With a population of over 1.2 million, Tbilisi serves as both Georgia’s capital and largest city. In 2020, the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) conducted a poll that revealed that the city has the highest rate of cannabis consumption nationwide.

1,500 people from 12 Georgian cities participated in the poll, and the results showed that 14.2% of Tbilisi residents reported smoking cannabis in the previous year, compared to the 10.5% national average. With 4.7% of respondents confessing to daily cannabis usage, Tbilisi also had the highest rate of daily cannabis users.

The survey also uncovered some fascinating information regarding Tbilisi’s cannabis consumers, including:

  • The bulk of them are educated (57.1% have a bachelor’s degree or above), youthful (18–34 years old, 67.9%), and male (77.4%).
  • The top three motivations for cannabis use are curiosity (37.7%), pleasure (58.5%), and relaxation (69.8%).
  • The most favored means of ingestion are bongs (6.6%), joints (76.4%), and pipes (15.1%).
  • 11.4 grams of cannabis, or roughly 114 Georgian lari (approximately 35 US dollars), are averagedly used each month.
  • Homegrown (6.6%), dealers (25.5%), and friends (66%) are the primary sources of cannabis.

Why Is Cannabis So Welcome in Tbilisi

The high rate of cannabis consumption in Tbilisi could be attributed to several variables, including:

The status of cannabis law. Since the Georgia Constitutional Court declared that the use of cannabis is an unalienable right, Tbilisi residents have experienced greater freedom and a decreased fear of legal repercussions. The court also eliminated the administrative penalties for possessing cannabis, which were once a significant source of income for the police.

The historical and cultural context of cannabis. In Georgia’s past, cannabis has been utilized for religious, medical, and recreational purposes. Its history is lengthy. Cannabis was used in Georgian folk poetry and music, and hemp was used to make some of the traditional instruments, like the pandura and the Chonburi.

Tbilisi’s social and economic circumstances. The issues that Tbilisi faces are numerous and include traffic, pollution, poverty, unemployment, and corruption. Some people may find that using cannabis helps them manage the tension and annoyance that come with residing in such a challenging environment. For individuals who feel excluded or alienated by society at large, cannabis may also offer a sense of connection and belonging.

What Consequences Does Tbilisi’s Cannabis Use Have

The use of cannabis in Tbilisi has both advantages and disadvantages for the nation and the city, including:

The advantages consist of:

The possibility of cannabis travel. Increased interest in cannabis culture and the city’s distinctive features, such the ancient town, the sulfur springs, the art scene, and the food, could draw more tourists to Tbilisi. As a result, there may be an increase in employment possibilities and the local economy.

The possibilities for innovative cannabis research. With a big population of cannabis users, a welcoming legal framework, and a long cannabis history and culture, Tbilisi has the potential to become a center for cannabis research and innovation. This might result in the creation of fresh goods, services, and approaches that would be advantageous to both the cannabis sector and society at large.

The adverse effects consist of:

the potential hazards of cannabis on health. Cannabis is not a safe drug, and some users may experience negative consequences on their physical and mental health, particularly if they take it excessively, regularly, or while they are young. Respiratory issues, memory and cognitive impairment, anxiety, sadness, psychosis, and addiction are a few health hazards.

Potential societal issues related to cannabis use. Some cannabis users may experience detrimental effects on their social and personal lives as a result of their use of the drug, particularly if they disregard their obligations, relationships, and objectives. Poor performance in the workplace and in school, interpersonal and familial difficulties, legal issues, discrimination, and stigma are a few social concerns.

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One of the cannabis-friendliest cities in the world, Tbilisi smashes the record for Georgia’s highest rate of cannabis consumption. This is a result of the legal, cultural, historical, social, and economic elements that come together to make cannabis accessible and appealing to a large number of city dwellers. Cannabis use in Tbilisi has both advantages and disadvantages for the nation as a whole, therefore maximizing the benefits and minimizing the drawbacks of the drug calls for a reasoned, evidence-based strategy.

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