These Six Most Dangerous Ohio Neighborhoods: Avoid in 2024


Navigating Ohio’s communities needs foresight, especially in 2024 when certain regions offer considerable safety problems. This brochure highlights six locations renowned for high crime rates, warning residents and visitors to be cautious.

Understanding the terrain is critical for personal well-being, from growing crime numbers to persistent safety problems. Explore our insights to be educated and make informed decisions, assisting you in staying safe in these specific Ohio communities.

1. North Riverdale

The neighborhood of North Riverdale is in Dayton, Ohio, which is the sixth-largest city in the state. There are 69% more crimes in North Riverdale than in Dayton. There are 1,253 serious crimes for every 100,000 people. People sell drugs, prostitute, and steal a lot in this area.

North Riverdale also has a lot of poor people, a low median income, and homes that aren’t worth much. In 2024, you shouldn’t go to North Riverdale.

2. Mount Airy

Cincinnati is the third-largest city in Ohio, and Mount Airy is a neighborhood in that city. Mount Airy has 43% more crimes than Cincinnati, and there are 1,304 serious crimes for every 100,000 people.

People know that the area has a lot of theft, attacks, and burglaries. Mount Airy also has a low median income, a lot of poor people, and not many high school graduates. In 2024, you should stay away from the Mount Airy neighborhood.

3. South Side

This is an area in Youngstown, Ohio’s ninth-largest city. It’s called South Side. There are 76% more crimes in the South Side than in Youngstown. There are 1,636 serious crimes for every 100,000 people.

With such a high rate of murder, rape, theft, and attack, the area is the most dangerous in the state. South Side also has a lot of poor people, a low median income, and homes that aren’t worth much. In the year 2024, you should never go to the South Side.

4. North Linden

North Linden is an area in Columbus, Ohio’s capital and biggest city. This city has 50% more crime than Columbus, and there are 1,024 serious crimes for every 100,000 people. The area is known for gang activity, killings, and murders.

A lot of people are out of work in North Linden, and the overall income and home value are all very low. In 2024, you should stay away from North Linden at all costs.

5. Saint Clair Superior

This is an area in Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland is the second-largest city in Ohio. There is 63% more crime in St. Clair-Superior than in Cleveland. There are 1,590 serious crimes for every 100,000 people.

Murder, rape, theft, and attack happen a lot in this neighborhood, making it one of the most risky in the state. There are also a lot of poor people in St. Clair-Superior, and the average income and home value are all very low. In 2024, you should stay away from the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood.

6. South Akron

This is an area in Akron, Ohio. Akron is the fifth-largest city in Ohio. South Akron has 30% more crime than Akron. There are 1,180 serious crimes per 100,000 people, which is 204% more than the yearly rate across the country.

There are some parts of the city where crime rates may be up to 55% higher than in Akron and the place where most serious crimes happen. Many people in the area are poor, out of work, and abusing drugs. In 2024, South Akron is not a safe place to live or visit.

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