The Worst Rainstorms Are Expected To Hit Portions Of California: Thunderstorms And Maybe Localized Floods


According to a National Weather Service weather update, locals should prepare for a period of moderate to heavy rain that is predicted to start late Sunday night and last until early Monday morning.

To further complicate the weather pattern, there is a potential of isolated thunderstorms on Monday morning, according to the forecast.

On Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 8:38 AM PST, the most recent information indicates that there will be light, scattered showers into the afternoon, with mainly dry conditions anticipated in the morning. But there’s going to be a big change because the second bout of rain is expected to start in the late afternoon for the North Bay and move south of the Golden Gate starting that evening.

The weather report suggests that rain, at times heavy, will persist until Monday morning, which might affect people’s early commutes to work. On Monday morning, there’s also a 15–25% chance of thunderstorms. The major risks include stronger rains, blustery winds, and sporadic lightning strikes.

There is a flood watch in place for the North Bay from 8 PM today until 10 PM on Monday. Residents are advised to exercise caution. Rainfall during the night is predicted to cause creeks and streams to rise quickly, with minor flooding likely to occur in low-lying urban areas that are prone to flooding.

A wind advisory has been issued for coastal zones from 10 PM on Sunday to 4 AM on Monday, in addition to the flood worries. Strong southerly winds are predicted, with maximum gusts of 30 to 45 mph likely to occur near the coast and at higher altitudes. During this time of increased wind activity, residents in affected areas should secure outside possessions and use caution.

Light rain is predicted to return in the middle of the week, with a change to drier and warmer weather in the late week.

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