The state is providing a tax rebate of up to $2500 amidst ongoing discussions regarding the potential for a fourth federal stimulus payment.
To address the economic challenges faced by its citizens, numerous states are deploying strategies to offer supplementary assistance.
These measures often involve the allocation of surplus budget funds, aiming to mitigate the repercussions of sustained high inflation.
States Offers Tax Rebates:
Massachusetts Tax Refunds:
Eligible Massachusetts taxpayers are entitled to a refund equivalent to 14% of their state tax liability for the 2021 tax year. Even residents who miss the tax filing deadline may still qualify for refunds.
Minnesota Tax Rebate Program:
Recent legislation in Minnesota mandates the issuance of one-time direct tax rebate payments to residents. These payments range from $260 to $520, depending on the taxpayer’s filing status and the number of dependents claimed.
Montana Tax Credit Initiative:
Married couples filing jointly in Montana stand to benefit from tax credits of up to $2,500. The state has enacted legislation aimed at enhancing financial circumstances through income tax rebates for the 2021 fiscal year.
Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend:

Alaska residents have access to the Permanent Fund Dividend, an annual disbursement derived from a portion of the state’s mineral revenue and distributed to eligible applicants. The amount distributed is determined by the size of the applicant pool and specific income criteria.
New Mexico Refund Disbursements:
Qualified taxpayers who filed their 2030 income tax returns are entitled to receive rebate payments of up to $1,000 from the state of New Mexico. Additional assistance is extended to residents who do not meet the initial reimbursement criteria.
Washington’s Working Families Tax Credit:
Eligible residents of Washington can receive payments ranging from $50 to $1,200 through the Working Families Tax Credit. This credit is designed to support families and individuals based on their income levels and the number of qualifying children.
Montana Tax Rebate Programs:
Montana has implemented legislation offering tax rebates on individual income taxes paid in 2021 and property taxes for eligible taxpayers.