Report Exposes Alleged Donald Trump Election Interference in Michigan Captured on Tape


There is a new story that says Donald Trump was caught on tape telling electors in Michigan not to certify the 2020 presidential election.

On Thursday (December 21), a new recording of Donald Trump trying to convince Michigan electors not to recognize the 2020 presidential election results came out. At the time, President Trump and Ronna McDaniel were Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. They called Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, two Republican canvassers for Wayne County, on November 17, 2020. Before they talked about the results, Trump and McDaniel said it would make them look “terrible” if they decided to certify them after speaking out against them earlier.

It sounds like Trump said on the call, “We have to fight for our country.” “These people can’t take our country away from us.” Later in the call, McDaniel begged Hartmann and Palmer to leave the office and go home.”Don’t sign it if you can go home tonight…. “We’ll get you lawyers,” McDaniel said. “We’ll take care of that,” Trump said, adding, “Everyone knows Detroit is as crooked as hell.”Palmer and Hartmann went home without signing the official statement of votes for Wayne County. They also tried to take back their votes for certification, saying they were pushed to do so. Hartmann died in 2021, and Palmer hasn’t made any comments since being asked.

The recording comes at a time when Trump is being charged with four counts of criminal conspiracy for trying to change the results of the 2020 presidential election, which saw Joe Biden become president. The events in Michigan are at the heart of the federal case against him. Trump is also being charged with twelve counts of trying to change the results of an election in Georgia. Also, the evidence against McDaniel, who lives in Wayne County, gets stronger. A CNN reporter named Marshall Cohen said that the tape might help Special Counsel Jack Smith. “He wants to get it for sure if he doesn’t already have it,” Cohen said Thursday night. “It could be a very important piece of extra evidence.”

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