People From Michigan Are Moving Out Of The State. The Place They’re Heading, By City


Among the states that have seen a notable decline in population recently is Michigan. Michigan came in fourth on the list of states where the most people planned to relocate in 2023, per a study conducted by the moving company United Van Lines. However, why are they leaving the Great Lakes state and where are these individuals going?

Top Locations For Michigan Movers

The top five locations that citizens of Michigan are relocating to, according to the 2021 Migration Data Study by relocation company Allied, are:

  • Tampa, FL
  • Chicago, IL
  • Anaheim (Orange County), CA
  • Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
  • Fort Myers, FL

These locations are indicative of the widespread tendency of people to relocate to warmer, less populated places from colder, denser ones. For instance, Florida is the most popular destination for Michiganders; 21,668 individuals, or 14.2% of the state’s population, moved there in 2019. The majority of movers settle in Tampa, a thriving metropolis on Florida’s Gulf Coast that is situated on Tampa Bay. Tampa is well-known for its amusement parks, museums, vibrant business districts, and lush gardens. It is also noted for its cultural offerings.

Chicago, Illinois, is another well-liked travel destination; 10,396 Michiganders, or 6.8% of the population, called Chicago home in 2019. Chicago, one of the biggest cities in the nation, has great employment prospects, reasonably priced housing, extensive and dependable public transportation, an abundance of natural surroundings, and amazing architectural sights.

With 6,406 movers from Michigan arriving in 2019, Anaheim (Orange County), CA, is the third most popular destination for relocation—representing 4.2% of the state’s population. Home to the Disneyland Resort, Anaheim is the second-largest city in Orange County. Pro sports teams, stadiums, shops, restaurants, and other enterprises abound in the city.

In 2019, roughly 3% of Michigan residents traveled to Phoenix-Mesa, AZ, and Fort Myers, FL, which rank fourth and fifth, respectively. In comparison to Michigan, these cities have milder temperatures, gorgeous scenery, more recreational opportunities, and cheaper cost of living.

Motives for Getting Out of Michigan

The decision to leave Michigan is influenced by a variety of circumstances. Among the typical causes are:

Opportunities for the economy: As of February 2023, Michigan’s unemployment rate stands at 7.5%, which is higher than the 6.2% national average. Additionally, the state’s median household income is $59,584, which is less than the $68,703 national average. Many people relocate to different states in quest of better employment opportunities, greater pay, and longer career paths.

Weather and climate: The average annual temperature of 44.4°F and the average annual snowfall of 51.1 inches are characteristic of Michigan’s cold and snowy environment. Living somewhere warmer and brighter is preferred by many, especially in the winter. For instance, Florida experiences 0 inches of annual snowfall and an average annual temperature of 70.7°F.

living quality: Michigan is ranked by U.S. News & World Report as having a rather low living quality. In terms of overall rankings, the state comes in at number 34, followed by health care (38th), education (33rd), crime and corrections (30th), and environment (29th). Numerous individuals relocate to places with superior health care, education, safety, and environmental conditions.

Read More: People Are Leaving 7 Michigan Towns As Quickly As Possible


Since few years ago, the population of Michigan has been declining as more individuals relocate to other states that provide better economic prospects, climates, and standards of living. Florida, Illinois, California, Arizona, and Florida are the most sought-after locations for Michigan movers, with the West and South being the majority of their destinations.

These locations offer an alternative to Michigan’s chilly, snowy weather and lower quality of life score. But Michigan also has its own benefits, such its illustrious past, vibrant present, and breathtaking scenery, which can entice some residents to settle down or relocate there.

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