People From Florida Are Moving Out Of The State. The Place They’re Heading, By City


Florida used to be a well-liked retirement and vacation spot, but its allure is waning. Only 738,969 people moved into the state in 2022, while more than 489,000 people left, according to the most recent census data. Compared to prior years, when Florida was among the states with the fastest rates of growth in the union, this is a notable decline. However, why are people leaving Florida, and what is their destination? These are a few of the primary causes and locations of the exodus.

Major Reasons Why Residents Are Fleeing

High Cost of Living

The high cost of living in Florida is one of the primary reasons for the exodus of residents. In just five years, the typical price of a single-family home in Florida increased by 60%, hitting $400,000 in March 2023. Retirees and other individuals with fixed incomes find it difficult to afford housing in the state as a result.

In addition, other costs are also going up in Florida, including taxes, electricity, gas, and insurance. For instance, in 2023, the insurance for a 1,400-square-foot concrete block home constructed in 1951 would increase by more than $6,000. To keep the house cool in the summer heat, the monthly energy cost amounted to more than $400.

Natural Disasters and Climate Change

People are also relocating from Florida due to the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and sea level rise can all affect Florida and result in interruption, damage, and evictions. The state has seen an increase in the frequency and severity of hurricanes in recent years, including Hurricanes Dorian in 2019 Michael in 2018, and Irma in 2017.

Furthermore, many people in Florida are finding the heat and humidity intolerable, particularly the elderly and those with medical conditions. Heat waves and record-breaking temperatures have been experienced throughout the state, which can be hazardous to health and lower quality of life. One citizen who recently relocated to North Carolina claims, “Don’t believe anyone who tells you that it’s always been like this—the heat is getting worse.” Because of the coastal breezes, Pinellas County rarely saw temperatures above 90°F. These days, they always crack that.

Political and Social Factors

The political and social climate in Florida is a third factor contributing to the state’s population exodus. Some Floridians may disagree with Florida’s conservative and libertarian policies, which are well-known. For example, some people object to the way the state handled the COVID-19 outbreak, to the lack of gun control laws, to abortion restrictions, and to the state’s endorsement of former president Donald Trump.

Additionally, because of the state’s division and variety, some people can feel as though they don’t belong in Florida. People from various cultures, ethnicities, and lifestyles live in Florida, which can lead to tensions and conflicts. Some people could feel more at ease and accepted in a more progressive or homogeneous community, which is why they would rather live there.

What Is Their Destination?

What is the destination of those departing from Florida? The top five places that Floridians went in 2022, according to census statistics, were Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Texas. While these states lack the negative aspects of high expenses, natural disasters, and political controversy, they do have some of the advantages that Florida once enjoyed, such as milder weather, less taxes, and greater space.

Not everyone, though, is relocating to the South. A growing number of people are opting to move to the West, Midwest, or Northeast of the country. Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville, Austin, Denver, Raleigh, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are a few of the cities drawing Floridians. In addition to having distinct climates and cultures from Florida, these cities provide greater possibilities, amenities, and diversity.

Rank Destination States Key Benefits Drawbacks
1 Georgia Southeast Lower taxes, warmer weather, more space
2 North Carolina Southeast Lower taxes, warmer weather, more space
3 Tennessee Southeast Lower taxes, warmer weather, more space
4 South Carolina Southeast Lower taxes, warmer weather, more space
5 Texas South Central Lower taxes, warmer weather, more space
  Other Destinations Various regions (West, More opportunities, amenities, diversity, Varying climates and cultures
    Midwest, Northeast) different climates, and cultures  
1 Atlanta Georgia (Southeast) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
2 Charlotte North Carolina (Southeast) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
3 Nashville Tennessee (Southeast) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
4 Austin Texas (South Central) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
5 Denver Colorado (West) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
6 Raleigh North Carolina (Southeast) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Varying climate and culture
7 New York New York (Northeast) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Dense population, high living costs
8 Los Angeles California (West) Opportunities, amenities, diversity High living costs, traffic congestion
9 Chicago Illinois (Midwest) Opportunities, amenities, diversity Harsh winters, urban challenges

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Florida isn’t the ideal travel location it once was. For a variety of reasons, including the high expense of living, natural disasters and climate change, as well as political and social issues, a large number of individuals are fleeing the state. They are relocating to states and places that better fit their objectives, needs, and tastes. Florida may still offer certain benefits, including its beaches, wildlife, and entertainment options, but for many, these are not enough to offset the drawbacks. In order to draw and keep more residents in the future, Florida might need to make some adjustments.

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