People Are Leaving These Seven Towns in Idaho as Soon as Possible


Idaho is known for its gorgeous scenery, low cost of living, and nice people. That being said, not every town in Idaho is equally appealing to both locals and visitors. In recent years, the number of people living in some places has gone down.

This could be because of a lack of jobs, problems with the environment, or social issues. Based on search results, these are the seven Idaho places that people are leaving as soon as possible.

1. Mosquitoes Meadows

Another made-up town was Mosquito Meadows, which was made for the same Hill Country Weekly story. The story says that Mosquito Meadows is full of mosquitoes so big that they have writing addresses.

The people of the town tried to put together a “swat team” but failed. The story is meant to exaggerate how annoying and uncomfortable it is to live in Idaho, where there are a lot of bugs and other pests. In addition, the story doesn’t talk about how many places in Idaho have taken steps to control and stop the spread of mosquitoes and other vectors, or how living in a wild and biodiverse area has many benefits.

2. Foggy Falls

Foggy Falls is a made-up town that was made for the same Hill Country Weekly story. The piece says that Foggy Falls is so cloudy that there is no such thing as light and people who live there have never seen their shadows.

The story is meant to make you feel sad and depressed about living in Idaho, where it rains and clouds a lot. But the story also doesn’t mention that many places in Idaho have nice, mild weather and that there are many sunny, clear days all year long.

3. Aberdeen

Aberdeen is a small town in Bingham County. As of 2020, 1,797 people were living there. From 2010 to 2020, the town’s population dropped by more than 11%. This made it one of Idaho’s places with the biggest population loss.

The town of Aberdeen is mostly used for farming, and it is famous for its potatoes. But the town has problems, like not having enough water, paying low wages, and not having many facilities. It is dry and cold in the town, which is more than 4,000 feet above sea level.

4. Boise

The state center and biggest city is Boise, which had 234,576 people living in it in 2020. But the city’s population growth has slowed down a lot in the last few years. From 2021 to 2022, it even went down by 0.6%. Boise is a lively and varied city with lots of fun and interesting things to do.

The city does have some problems, though, like traffic jams, rising living costs, and dirty air. Some people have left to find a better quality of life in smaller places or states that are close by.

5. Drysville

Drysville is a made-up town that was made for a funny story on the website Hill Country Weekly. It says that Drysville is so dry that even the plants are thirsty and that the only business that’s doing well is a sunscreen store.

The point of the piece is to make fun of Idaho clichés and the problems that come with living there, especially in the dry parts. But the story also talks about some real problems that some Idaho towns have, like not having enough water, having bad weather, and not having a variety of businesses.

6. Boredomville

Another made-up town was made for the same Hill Country Weekly story. It is called Boredomville. An article says that Boredomville is so quiet that even the crickets complain about how boring it is. The article also says that the town is famous for having the world’s most interesting tumbleweed race.

The point of the piece is to make fun of how bored and alone some people may feel in rural Idaho, where there aren’t many things to do or people to meet. The piece doesn’t talk about the fact that many towns in Idaho have a lot of culture and historical history and offer lots of indoor and outdoor activities for people to enjoy.

7. Chillington

Chillington is another fictitious town established for the same story in Hill Country Weekly. According to the report, Chillington is locked in time, with buildings that appear to be from a history book, and the town’s attractiveness has worn thin as an Idaho potato chip.

The essay is intended to mock the old-fashioned and conservative attitude of some Idaho communities, which lack innovation and variety. However, the report fails to mention that many Idaho communities have maintained their historical and architectural heritage, as well as a strong feeling of community and tradition.

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