People Are Leaving South Carolina. Here’s Where They’re Plotting to Move to


Famous for its gorgeous scenery and temperate climate, South Carolina is going through significant shifts in its population makeup.

While some people are moving to the state, many others are leaving in search of new experiences and possibilities abroad. This article explores the causes of this movement and identifies the main places where people who are leaving South Carolina are going.

The Reasons for People Leaving South Carolina

People leave South Carolina for a variety of reasons, many of which are personal. Nonetheless, a number of commonalities can be found.

A United Van Lines analysis indicates that, despite a roughly 19% decrease from 2019 to 2021, work-related relocations remain the most common cause for recent moves. Relocating near relatives, retiring, altering one’s lifestyle, and the expense of living are further considerations.

Where They’re Relocating

The top five states that South Carolinians moved in 2023 were as follows, based on statistics from the United States Census:

  • North Carolina: 27,740 people
  • Georgia: 18,828 people
  • Florida: 9,909 people
  • Virginia: 9,721 people
  • Texas: 9,240 people

With 27,740 people moving from South Carolina to North Carolina in 2023, North Carolina tops the list. Its proximity, certain characteristics of common culture, and comparable economic prospects may be the cause of this trend.

Incoming Residents of South Carolina

South Carolina is attracting new residents even as residents are departing the state. In 2019, the top five states from which residents relocated to South Carolina were:

  • North Carolina: 33,940 people
  • Georgia: 16,644 people
  • Florida: 14,136 people
  • New York: 10,416 people
  • Virginia: 10,143 people

It’s interesting to note that North Carolina tops this list as well, suggesting a large two-way movement between the two states.

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In Summary

The complex patterns of migration are shaped by a multitude of circumstances, including family ties, economic opportunity, lifestyle preferences, and more. Although South Carolina is seeing both inbound and outbound migration, understanding these patterns provides important information about how the state’s and the country’s demographics are changing.

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