Orlando MAN ARRESTED in Connection With BRUTAL MURDER of 13-year-old Rose Dieujuste

Image by: West Orlando News

The man, who is 28 years old, was taken into custody by homicide police for the felony murder of Rose Dieujuste, who was 13 years old. On the fourth of July, the young girl was brutally murdered in an apartment complex in Orlando, where she resided previously.

Jerry Dorisme was taken into custody in connection with the homicide of a North Florida girl who was 13 years old.

In addition to being partially naked, the girl was located by deputies in a closet, and she had been stabbed. When law enforcement arrived, she was barely alive. She was taken to a hospital, but unfortunately, she did not survive her injuries and passed away there without any treatment.

It is believed by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office that the young girl was making her way to a different building within the apartment complex in order to pay a visit to another buddy who was staying there. The family was contacted by her friend when she discovered her shoes and cell phone in a staircase.

During their search for the girl, the family went door to door and found Rose hiding in a utility closet, where she was unresponsive.

The local law enforcement agency expressed gratitude to a large number of members of the community who volunteered aid. Among those who offered their assistance was a witness who spotted a man with a hefty build leaving the complex where the girl was discovered.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to assist with the costs associated with Rose Dieujuste’s funeral, and if you would want to show your support for the family, you may do so here. John Mina, the sheriff of Orange County, was the one who transmitted the link.

The Orange County Sheriff John Mina stated that the murder of Rose had a profound impact on the community.


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