Migration Trend Growing Exodus from New Jersey Prompts a Shift – Discover Where Residents Are Flocking To


United Van Lines says that we were once again the most moved out-of-state in the country. I love living in New Jersey, but it looks like not everyone does.

The main reason people moved was to find work; 40% of the outward moves were due to problems with jobs.

Another 28% said they moved to be closer to family, whether they were getting married, having kids, or just being closer to family they already had.

“Lifestyle,” which can include things like crime or the weather, was the third most popular group.

Where are all those people going?

South Carolina is the most popular place for people from New Jersey to move to. People from New Jersey are moving into new neighborhoods in South Carolina, or the grocery shops there now sell pork roll. We’ve all heard stories like these.

FL is the next most popular state to move to. For years, retirees and people who don’t like cold weather have loved living there. They also pay less in taxes.

People who used to live in New Jersey move to Vermont third most often. Could it be because the weather is worse? I don’t know. Maybe some people just want to get away from everyone.

Now we’re back to the low-tax southern states, and Texas is up next. I believe that the better weather and lower taxes are to blame for that.

Arizona is the fifth most popular state for people leaving the Garden State. It looks like some people don’t mind going a long way. Arizona is another state that retirees like because it is warm, has lots of golf fields, and has a low cost of living.

We’ll find out if New Jersey did any better when the new United Van Lines movement report comes out.

Also Read: Unemployment Surge: New Jersey Leads Nation With Highest Rate Increase In 2023

For what it’s worth, Atlas Van Lines also puts out a yearly migration report. In 2023, New Jersey wasn’t even in the top ten states with the highest percentage of moves that went out of state. The study says Illinois is the best state.

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