MAN SENTENCED TO 143 YEARS FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER After Pointing Gun at Burger King Worker and Firing at Others

Image by: AP News

A guy was sentenced to 143 years in prison after being convicted of pointing a gun at a Burger King drive-thru worker who refused to accept narcotics for payment and then firing at other persons later that night.

Prosecutors who announced the sentencing on Thursday said the drive-thru incident was the first of several crimes Eugene Robertson committed in the Denver neighborhood of Aurora on October 17, 2022. No one was injured.

In April, a jury convicted Robertson of 17 felonies, including eight counts of attempted murder. Many of the crimes were sentenced consecutively, resulting in a lengthy sentence. Robertson, 40, faced a potential term of over 400 years when he was sentenced on August 9.

“We believe this 143-year sentence is justice for the several victims he terrified that night. Jurors acknowledged the gravity of this defendant’s crimes. We feel the judge issued an appropriate punishment,” Eric Ross, a spokesperson for 18th Judicial District Attorney John Kellner, said on Friday.

After pointing the rifle at the drive-thru worker, Robertson allegedly moved into a convenience store across the street and pointed the revolver at a clerk’s head. When Robertson observed the surveillance video camera system, he shot at the screen before leaving and shooting at two persons in the parking lot, according to Kellner’s office.

According to the Sentinel Colorado in Aurora, a witness at the convenience shop informed police that there appeared to be “something off” about Robertson, who was “talking about God” and holding a Bible with a purple cover.

Later that night, a lady who was friends with Robertson contacted 911 to claim that he had fired bullets when she refused to unlock the door to her apartment, where she was with several others, according to prosecutors.

Police located Robertson in the woman’s apartment complex. Prosecutors say he hid behind some bushes before being apprehended.

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