Man Charged With Attempted Murder of Adult Film Star in Los Angeles!


A guy was arrested last month for attempting to ram an adult film star’s motorcycle and pummel the victim with a golf club, according to Los Angeles police.

James Gosselin, 26, allegedly attempted to run over an adult film star known as “Hamilton” in an LAPD search warrant affidavit on April 2 while Hamilton was riding his motorcycle. According to the warrant’s probable cause statement, Hamilton filmed an adult tape with his ex-girlfriend “Gia,” which made Gosselin envious.

According to jail records, Gosselin was jailed for attempted murder on April 4 and freed the next day on a $1 million bond.

He was also charged with two charges of assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, as well as illegal possession of a loaded gun in public, according to arrest documents from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

Gosselin pled not guilty to all counts on May 3. He is due to appear in court in Van Nuys on June 6 for a preliminary hearing. His attorney, Michael Moshe Levin, did not return a request for comment.

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Hamilton was riding his motorcycle when another vehicle twice hit his back wheel, knocking him off balance, according to the search warrant affidavit. Hamilton told LAPD officers that he looked back and saw Gosselin try and fail to put on a ski mask before exiting his truck with a golf club.

According to the warrant statement, Gosselin swung and missed several times before hitting Hamilton in the lower back hard enough to produce bruising. According to authorities, Hamilton tackled Gosselin and broke his orbital bone with a hit to the face. Officers arrived and arrested Gosselin without incident. According to authorities, Gosselin admitted to owning a ski mask, golf club, and an undetectable ghost pistol that officers recovered in his truck.

According to the warrant documents, police transported Gosselin to the hospital and then released him for an undisclosed “medical reason.”

Hamilton told LAPD Det. Gerardo Rivera that on April 3, he began receiving text messages from friends warning that Gosselin had left the hospital and was seeking for him.

Hamilton informed Rivera that he was concerned for his safety because of Gosselin’s “demeanor and reputation of carrying a firearm.”

A common acquaintance of the two men, described in the search warrant affidavit as Lexington, stated that Gosselin was distraught about his separation from Gia and Gia’s connection with Hamilton.

According to the warrant document, Lexington also stated that Gosselin told her that he planned to borrow a truck, wait for Hamilton on the street, murder him, and then dispose of his body in the truck.

Gosselin was not mentally stable and “willing to shoot it out with police officers when arrested,” Lexington told Rivera.

Gosselin and Gia’s relationship ended in February, according to the search warrant.

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