Kansas’s Most Stressed City Has Been Revealed


Kansas is known for its vast vistas, kind people, and agricultural tradition. However, not all areas of the Sunflower State enjoy the same peace. According to recent research conducted by RoadSnacks, a website that evaluates towns based on a variety of metrics, Ulysses, a little hamlet in Kansas’ southwest region, is the state’s most unhappy city in 2023.

This distinction is due to Ulysses’ poor performance on stress indicators such as poverty, unemployment, divorce, crime, and health. In this blog article, we’ll look at the variables that lead to Ulysses’ status as Kansas’ most stressed city, as well as potential solutions.

Economic Challenges in Ulysses

Economic insecurity and instability are major sources of stress for Ulysses’ people. With a population of 5,812, the town has a poverty rate of 9.2%, higher than the state average of 7.9%. The typical household income in Ulysses, at $57,500, is lower than the state average of $62,087. Unemployment in Ulysses is 4.1%, higher than the state average of 3.4%.

Ulysses is primarily dependent on agriculture, making it susceptible to market volatility, weather variations, and demand adjustments. The town’s distance from major urban areas further limits access to markets, services, and facilities, resulting in higher living expenses, notably for housing, transportation, and healthcare.

The typical house price in Ulysses is $126,600, which is more than the state average of $123,900. The average travel time is 17 minutes, which exceeds the state average of 16 minutes. Healthcare spending per capita in Ulysses is $8,716, which is more than the state average of $7,913.

Social Problems in Ulysses

Social factors such as high divorce rates, crime, and substance misuse all add considerably to Ulysses people’ stress levels. The town’s divorce rate is 19%, higher than the state average of 15%. Ulysses has a crime rate of 3,101 per 100,000 residents, which is greater than the state average of 2,580. The violent crime rate in Ulysses is 329 per 100,000 inhabitants, higher than the state average of 258.

Additionally, Ulysses has a high prevalence of substance misuse, particularly among its adolescents. According to the Kansas Communities That Care Survey, 28% of Ulysses students reported having used alcohol in the previous 30 days, compared to 19% of Kansas students. Marijuana usage was reported by 16% of Ulysses pupils, vs 10% of Kansas students. Furthermore, 8% of Ulysses students admitted consuming prescription medicines without a doctor’s prescription in the previous 30 days, vs 4% of Kansas students.

Potential Solutions for Ulysses

While Ulysses is now the most stressed city in Kansas, there are viable options to improve the citizens’ quality of life. Some recommended measures are:

Diversifying the Economy.

  • Attracting new firms and industries to increase employment and income.
  • Investing in education and training programs to improve employee skills and employability.
  • Promoting tourism and recreation as possible sources of income and prosperity.

Improving Infrastructure:

  • Improving town infrastructure and services, such as roads, water, sewer, power, internet, and healthcare.
  • Seeking funding and creating agreements with government agencies and groups to support changes.
  • Using natural and cultural resources, such as parks, museums, and historical places, to improve livability.

Strengthening the Community

  • Creating a sense of community and pride among inhabitants.
  • Churches, schools, clubs, sports, arts, and events are examples of community groups and initiatives that we support and expand.
  • Encourage civic involvement and volunteerism to promote a culture of responsibility and empowerment, particularly among the young.


Ulysses, Kansas, has a lot of problems that cause stress, like economic problems and social problems. Economic growth, better schooling, and better infrastructure are all things that could help. Building resilience requires strengthening community ties through neighborhood projects and active participation in government. Targeted measures are needed to deal with drug abuse. With a complete strategy, Ulysses can change its current state, making the future better and improving the health of its people.

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