Illegal Wildlife Trade! Reading MAN ARRESTED for TRAFFICKING Orangutan SKULLS and JAGUAR SKINS

Image by: NBC Boston

A Reading man has been charged with trafficking animal parts from rare and protected species, such as orangutan skulls, tiger skulls, and jaguar skins.

According to the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s Office, more than 100 wildlife parts were taken from the home of 39-year-old Adam Bied.

He is charged with two counts of conspiracy to smuggle items into the United States, especially unlawfully imported wildlife parts. Bied is also charged with three charges of breaking the Lacey Act, which restricts wildlife trafficking.

“The illicit trafficking of endangered wildlife for financial gain is a grave offense that poses a significant threat to global conservation efforts and preservation of these species,” said Joshua S. Levy, the acting United States Attorney.

“Mr. Bied’s alleged conduct reflects a blatant disregard for the laws in place to safeguard our planet’s biodiversity,” Levy pointed out. “These laws and international treaties exist to protect endangered species from exploitation and to maintain ecological balance.”

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The government are also attempting to forfeit the hundreds of animal parts recovered from Bied’s home and storage unit. “This forfeiture action sends a clear message that we will not only prosecute those who engage in illegal wildlife trafficking, but also take legal actions to strip them of their ill-gotten gains,” Levy told the press.

Bied reportedly purchased, sold, and traded animal parts and products, knowing that many of the transactions violated US laws and regulations. He allegedly failed to declare the wildlife when it was imported into the United States.

He allegedly placed orders with people in Cameroon and Indonesia who were in the business of killing and acquiring wildlife, which he subsequently sold or traded to buyers in the United States.

According to bostonherald, Bied lacked the essential permissions and an import/export authorization from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The civil forfeiture complaint identifies the following wildlife parts:

  • Orangutan Skulls
  • Tiger’s skulls
  • Leopard skin, skulls, and claws
  • Jaguar skin and skull
  • African Lion Skulls
  • Polar bear skull
  • Narwhal’s tusk
  • Otter’s skeleton
  • Harp seal skull
  • South American Fur Seal Skull
  • Elephant Seal Skull
  • Babirusa Skulls
  • Mandrillus Skulls
  • Wallaby’s skull
  • Jackal’s skull
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