Human Rights Activist Alleges Alexei Navalny’s Death Resulted from a ‘KGB Signature’ – Single Heart Punch

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 20: Tributes are left for Putin critic Alexei Navalny in front of a statue of Mohandas Gandhi in Union Square on February 20, 2024 in New York City. Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Navalny, has alleged that Russian President Putin is responsible for her husband's death and has pledged to carry on his work.

According to a source within the prison where Alexei Navalny was held, it is believed that he was fatally struck with a single blow to the heart, a method commonly associated with the KGB.

The bruises discovered on the body of the opposition leader matched the ‘one-punch’ execution technique, as stated by Russian exile and human rights activist Vladimir Osechkin.

“It is a traditional technique used by the KGB’s special forces divisions,” he informed The Times. They were taught how to efficiently eliminate a target with a single strike to the heart, aiming for the center of the body. It was a defining feature of the KGB.

Osechkin, the founder of group, who collects testimonies from prisoners and workers in Russia’s infamous jails, mentioned that his information was provided by a source at the arctic penal colony where Navalny passed away on Friday.

The widow has made serious allegations against Putin, stating that her husband was poisoned with Novichok nerve agent and accusing Russian authorities of concealing the assassination by withholding his body.

Osechkin Questions Navalny’s Death, Citing Cold Exposure and Suspected Stealth Techniques

Photo by Adam Gray/Getty Images
ROME, ITALY – 2024/02/19: Torchlight vigil in Piazza del Campidoglio in homage to the Russian activist Alexei Navalny, who died in prison in Siberia. People left flowers in front of Navalny’s photo as a symbol of freedom to express support for Vladimir Putin’s dissidents.


Osechkin, however, remains skeptical and argues that the authorities could have eliminated Navalny in any manner they chose, without wanting to leave any evidence that could be traced back to Putin.

According to him, Navalny was made to stay in an outdoor solitary confinement area for up to four hours, with temperatures dropping to minus 27C the day before he died.

In general, inmates are typically allowed outside for up to an hour and in much milder weather.

Osechkin explained that they likely destroyed his body by exposing him to the cold for an extended period and reducing blood circulation to a minimum.

It is very easy to take someone’s life within seconds if the person has experience in this. The technique of a single punch, known for its stealth and ability to eliminate targets without leaving evidence of the cause of death, was reportedly utilized.

Prior to assuming office as the Russian leader, Putin gained recognition for his 15-year tenure in the KGB as a foreign intelligence officer. He retired in 1990 holding the rank of lieutenant colonel.

The Russian government has not provided a satisfactory explanation for the death of Navalny, a prominent critic of the Russian president.

As per the national penitentiary service, the 47-year-old passed away following a walk during which he started feeling unwell.

According to a state-controlled channel on the Telegram messaging site, the cause of death was later claimed to be a blood clot.

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