Here Are Seven Reasons Why People Regret Their Move to Arizona


Are you considering living in Arizona? “If You’ll Regret Moving to Arizona” takes a critical look at the Grand Canyon State, peeling back the layers behind its stunning scenery.

In this brief tutorial, we discover details that may escape the unwary eye, providing vital information for individuals considering a transfer. From sweltering summers to intricate cultural relations, we avoid possible mistakes and reveal the less-glamorous aspects of Arizona life.

Before embarking on a life-changing adventure, prepare yourself with the knowledge to ensure that your move matches your goals and preferences. Join us for an open discussion of the advantages and disadvantages.

Seven Reasons You May Regret Moving to Arizona

While Arizona has many tempting aspects, it also has certain obstacles and cons. Before making arrangements to migrate, they must exist, just as they do in all other states. Here are some possible drawbacks of life in Arizona that may eventually lead to sentiments of fear or regret while living there:

1. Valley Fever

Coccidioidomycosis, sometimes known as “Valley Fever,” is an infection induced by exposure to Coccidioides, a fungus found in the soil of the southwest United States.

If you reside in Arizona, there’s a good possibility you’ll catch it at some point during your stay because it’s nearly hard to prevent exposure. Valley Fever is curable and seldom causes long-term consequences. In reality, most people who develop Valley Fever recover on their own, but some may require antifungal medications. However, the symptoms—fever, weariness, cough, shortness of breath, headaches, muscular pains, and joint pain—can be unpleasant.

If excellent health is your first goal when purchasing a property, the constant threat of Valley Fever may make it a bad choice.

2. Limited Public Transportation Infrastructure

While the Phoenix metropolitan region has a substantial light rail system known as the Valley Metro, public transit is limited across the state. It might be difficult to move to other parts of Arizona if you don’t own a car or drive.

Because so many people in Arizona drive, traffic congestion is a major issue, particularly during rush hour.

Arizona is also not the most walkable state due to its harsh climate, which ranges from scorching heat during the day to freezing temps at night.

3. The Education System is Poor

Arizona ranks 37th on US News & World Report’s list of greatest places to live. While its economy ranked fifth, it performed far worse in education. The state’s 45th-place result was its lowest overall performance.

Arizona schools face challenges such as inadequate financing, low teacher salaries, and overcrowded classrooms. The outcome is a high dropout rate for both students and teachers. If you’re sending your children to school, Arizona is unlikely to offer the finest educational prospects.

4. Natural Hazards

Arizona has a rich animal population, including coyotes, snakes, spiders, and scorpions. Encounters with these potentially lethal animals are infrequent, but not impossible.

If you reside in or visit rural or desert areas, you should be prepared for the worst and take the necessary safeguards. Is there one rule that most Arizonans follow? Never touch something until you are certain it will not harm you. There are so many poisonous species and thorny cactus in Arizona that the Phoenix Parks & Recreation Department published a handbook outlining what to touch and what not to touch when traveling the state.

Consider the leaping cholla cactus, which fires prickly splines at imagined enemies. Or the terrifyingly called blister beetle, which can burn your flesh.

5. Poor Air Quality

When it comes to reasons to regret living in Arizona, air quality is a strong candidate. Along with California, it has the country’s worst air quality of any state. While this is mostly due to a mix of high temperatures and automobile emissions pollution in Maricopa County, it remains a major concern, particularly for persons with respiratory ailments.

Additionally, Arizona is one of the few states whose air quality has deteriorated since 1985. In contrast, California has improved.

6. Limited Greenery

Do you love all things lush and green? You will want to search elsewhere than Arizona. While its arid topography is strikingly gorgeous, it lacks the natural flora seen elsewhere in the nation. When water conservation is taken into account, typical lawns and gardens become obsolete.

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7. High Cost of Living

One of the most significant drawbacks to living in Arizona is the high cost of living. Take Phoenix as an example. It ranks #67 out of 304 cities in Nerdwallet’s database in terms of cost of living, which is much higher than the national average.

Phoenix has very high housing expenses, with a typical house price of a little under $460,000. Rents aren’t much better, with the average two-bedroom apartment costing roughly $2,000. At the same period, Phoenix’s average pay is $48,596. What’s the takeaway? If you decide to live in Arizona, you may expect to spend a considerable percentage of your earnings on rent or to settle for a smaller home than you would in a lower-cost-of-living area.

You should also expect rising prices for necessities like groceries, transportation, and healthcare.

If Arizona is at the top of your list but the cost of living is a concern, other places, such as Yuma, Casa Grande, and even Tucson, are more cheap.

How Do You Know If Arizona Is Right For You?

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits and drawbacks of living in Arizona, you may be asking how to evaluate them against each other before deciding whether or not to relocate.

There is no correct or incorrect response to the issue of whether Arizona is the best state for you. Rather, it all depends on your unique aims and tastes.

For example, if you are a sun-seeking retiree with disposable cash who enjoys outdoor adventures and cultural events, Arizona may meet all of your expectations. On the other side, if you are short on funds, intend to raise children and have a family, and despise the heat, Arizona may fall well down your list. Remember, there is no such thing as the “perfect” destination. Instead, it boils down to identifying the city or town that checks as many boxes as possible while excluding those with deal-breaking features.

Also, bear in mind that not all Arizona cities are made equal. What is the greatest method to acquire a true feel of the “vibe” of a certain town or city, whether in Arizona, southern California, or elsewhere? Spend time there. As previously said, the more advanced research you conduct, the more satisfaction (and less regret) you will likely feel in your new house.


Thinking about moving to Arizona? “If You’ll Regret Moving to Arizona” examines Arizona beyond its stunning beauty. This brief primer avoids errors and highlights details that may be missed. We examine Arizona’s less-glamorous side, from hot summers to intricate cultural relations. Prepare for a life-changing adventure with information to guarantee your goals are met. Join us for a candid discussion of the pros and cons to help you choose Arizona living.

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