GUILTY BUT MENTALLY ILL: Indiana Woman Gets Life in Teen’s Kidnapping, Murder

Image by: The Daily Caller

After pleading guilty but mentally ill, a woman who was twenty years old and one of several young adults charged in the kidnapping and murder of a teenager in Indiana County was sentenced to life in prison. The lady was one of the young adults who was involved in the crime.

During the month of October, Taylyn Edwards, a resident of Johnston, entered a guilty plea to the counts of first-degree murder and criminal kidnapping in connection with the death of Hayden Garreffa, who was 19 years old.

During a hearing that took place on Wednesday, the district attorney for Indiana County stated that Edwards was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole, which is the mandatory term for first-degree murder. Additionally, the sentence for the kidnapping offense ranged from five to ten years.

There were eight individuals who were charged in connection with the death of Garreffa in October of 2022, and Edwards was one of them.

Hayden Garreffa’s body was discovered in Brush Valley Township, according to the police, two days after it was reported that he had gone missing from the residence that his grandmother owned in East Wheatfield Township. Apparently, eight suspects showed up at Garreffa’s house and coerced him into getting into a van, according to the investigators. According to the authorities, he was stabbed to death a few minutes later.

It was clarified by the district attorney for Indiana County that a guilty plea with a mental illness does not alter the grading of an offense or the standards for sentencing, but it does indicate that the prisoner would be given with psychiatric or psychological therapy by the Department of Corrections.

It has been stated by the district attorney for Indiana County that the cases involving the seven other co-defendants are still ongoing at this time.



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