Father Sentenced to 25 Years for Death of 6-year-old Son: Placed Boy on Treadmill, Causing Fatal Injuries


A New Jersey judge sentenced an Ocean County father to 25 years in prison in connection with the death of his 6-year-old son.

According to authorities, CCTV footage from March 20, 2021, shows Christopher Gregor placing his kid Corey on a fast-moving treadmill and falling many times. Thirteen days later, officers responded to the Southern Ocean Medical Center regarding the boy’s death.

A post-mortem study revealed that the youngster suffered injuries as a result of blunt-force trauma.

On July 7, 2021, police charged Gregor with endangering the welfare of a kid.

The boy’s death was later ruled to be a homicide, prompting charges of murder against his father about a year later.

While he was eventually acquitted of murder, a jury found him guilty of aggravated manslaughter and endangering the welfare of a child on May 31, 2024.

On Friday, a judge sentenced Gregor to 20 years in prison for gross manslaughter and 5 years for endangering the welfare of a child. Both sentences are written consecutively.

The No Early Release Act requires Gregor to complete at least 85 percent of his prison sentence before being eligible for parole.

“Christopher Gregor will live the rest of his life knowing that he was responsible for his son Corey’s death. While nothing can bring this lovely kid back to his family, I hope today’s punishment provides some closure for those who knew and loved Corey. “Justice for Corey has finally been served,” said Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer.


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