Children Left Stranded After BUS DRIVER DROPS THEM AT WRONG STOP, Family Claims

Image by: US Sun

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas – One independent school district in Texas is having a rough start to the school year.

A New Braunfels family has lost faith in their school authorities after only one week of school.

Two elementary school pupils and their parents claimed that the children’s bus driver had them get off at the wrong stop, leaving them stranded without a ride home.

Sheila and Isaac Dimas expressed gratitude to the stranger who helped their two sons, 9-year-old Darien and 7-year-old Donovan.

Darien and Donovan have been riding the bus to school for years without incident.

They never expected to be left behind in a circumstance that left them “confused and mad” and “kind of scared.”

On the third day of school, their bus arrived at its final stop along the journey.

“And we’re at one of the first bus stops,” Sheila Dimas explained. But Darien and Donovan remained on the bus.

Darien stated that he was quite perplexed.

“I was attempting to tell them that you skipped our stop and asked, ‘Can we go back to the school?’ He replied, ‘No, you cannot. “You cannot do that,” he stated.

The guys had no cell phone to call home and were unsure of their whereabouts. The two did as they were told and exited the bus. Fortunately, another child witnessed what happened to the boys and invited them to come home with him so that his mother could assist.

The mother then notified the school, which contacted Darien and Donovan’s parents.

“My heart sank.” The school apologized profusely. I have not heard back from the transportation department’s supervisor. I’ve attempted to contact her several times and left messages,” Sheila Dimas stated.

This comes after another incident in which a 3-year-old pre-kindergarten pupil was left behind on the bus.

“We need to feel safe; otherwise, why send our children to school? Why don’t we homeschool them? If I have to worry about my children’s safety, they have no motivation to attend school,” Isaac Dimas stated.


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