Chickasaw Representative Tom Cole Criticizes Colorado Supreme Court Ruling Preventing Trump’s Inclusion on Ballot


On Tuesday, the Colorado Supreme Court said that former President Donald Trump should not be allowed to run in the state’s presidential primary because he had “insurrectionary” activities.

The Colorado Supreme Court wrote in its decision, which was a 4-3 vote, “We do not come to these conclusions lightly.” We are aware of how big and important the questions we are facing are. We are also aware of our solemn duty to follow the law, without fear or favor, and without letting public opinion affect the choices the law requires us to make.

The Colorado court said that Trump can’t be president because of what he did in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. This is because of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which is called the “insurrection clause.” What the majority thought about why Trump should never be president again is explained in the 200-page ruling.

Republicans did not agree with the choice. Rep. Tom Cole (OK-04) said the following about the Colorado Supreme Court’s recent ruling to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 presidential election ballot:

Cole said, “The Colorado Supreme Court’s outrageous and unprecedented decision to keep a credible candidate and former president from being able to vote is the exact opposite of letting an election be free and fair.” “This goes against the democratic principles that made our country great; we should always let the voters decide.” I ask the U.S. Supreme Court to quickly review this and overturn this wrongdoing.

One of four Native Americans in the U.S. House of Representatives is Cole, who is a member of the Chickasaw Nation. He is in charge of the House Rule Committee. Cole is the only Native American lawmaker in the House who spoke out about the Colorado Supreme Court.

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