Burned Body Parts in Yonkers Shopping Cart Led NYPD to NYC Apartment With Additional Human Remains


Police in New York City are investigating after multiple body parts were discovered in an apartment on August 6, allegedly linked to burned body parts discovered in a shopping cart outside the city.

On Monday, August 5, officers responded to a fire under a bridge near the border with Mt. Vernon, New York, according to a statement from the Yonkers officers Department.

After the flames were doused, authorities from the Westchester County Department of Public Safety Police discovered a “lifeless body,” according to the statement.

According to the statement, Yonkers police determined that the deceased, discovered in a shopping cart on the sidewalk, was most likely lit on fire at the scene.

During their inquiry, authorities discovered that the “appropriate” branch to undertake the probe would be the New York Police Department, as the place where the body was discovered was simply a “dump site.”

Authorities suspect the death occurred in a different area, namely a home in New York City’s Bronx borough, according to NBC New York and ABC 7 NY.

According to ABC 7 NY, investigators believe the deceased, who has yet to be formally identified, was killed in the Bronx apartment before being thrown into a shopping cart, which the suspected suspects then allegedly took to Yonkers by train.

The victim was missing its hands, feet, and teeth, according to the site, and the dismemberment hampered the identification procedure.

The NYPD conducted a search warrant in a Bronx apartment on Monday evening and discovered additional human remains in the kitchen, according to a statement released by the agency. It was not immediately clear what brought authorities to the Bronx. The NYPD did not respond to PEOPLE’s efforts to confirm its connection to the body discovered in Yonkers.

Police have made no arrests in connection with the case, and the investigation is ongoing.

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