Born in 1970-71? New SNAP Requirement You Must Meet to Keep Receiving Benefits in 2024


If you were born in 1970 or 1971, you will be 53 or 54 by 2024. The SNAP guidelines are altering, which will also affect persons aged 53 or 54. Until September 30, 2024, the Able-Bodied Adult Time Limit (ABAWD) only applies to adults aged 18 to 52.

This implies you can’t collect SNAP benefits for more than three months in three years unless you work at least 80 hours per month. Of course, this law will only apply to people aged 18 to 54, and there will be exceptions.

SNAP and ABAWD Exemptions

As the name implies, this regulation applies to people who can work and do not have children. So, if you have a disability, this law will not apply to you, even if you are between the ages of 18 and 54. Similarly, this regulation does not apply to persons aged 18–54 who have a kid or two or more children.

Veterans are also exempt from the time limit requirement for SNAP participants. So, veterans can also benefit from an exemption. People who are pregnant are also eligible for this waiver.

Do not worry if you are 55 years or older; this time limit does not apply to you either. This exemption will also apply to young individuals aged 18 to 24, who have left foster care. If you are homeless or are excused from the usual job regulations, you are also exempt.

How to Continue Getting SNAP if you are an ABAWD Aged 18-54

Aside from working a minimum of 80 hours each month, there are other options available. By executing one of them, you will continue to receive Food Stamps for more than three months in three years.

According to okdiario, To meet the ABAWD work requirements, you can participate in a work program. For your information, the number of hours in this job program must be 80, just like when you were working. SNAP Employment & Training isn’t your only choice!

Combining job and training is allowed if your SNAP office approves. Again, you must complete both assignments for a total of 80 hours. Some SNAP participants may prefer to participate in workfare for the number of hours given each month. It depends on how much money you get from Food Stamps.

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