AT&T Stadium Grave Found with Severed Heads


Arlington police detained two individuals after discovering a human head near AT&T Stadium, as well as more remains buried at a neighboring residence.

Just after 2:30 p.m. Saturday, police were summoned to the 800 block of East Sanford Street, near North Collins Street, when someone reported finding remains in the woods near a creek.

A search warrant affidavit states that officials discovered a man’s head next to a placard that read “La Raza Se Resreta y Faltan 4” — which roughly translates to “The race must be respected, and four are left.” Some Spanish speakers use the term “Raza” to refer to all Hispanics.

His head looked to have been severed by “a large knife or sharp object,” according to authorities.
A significant development was reported to law enforcement officials during the investigation. Mariano Sanchez, 18, who was already detained due to outstanding warrants, claimed to have information about the recovered remains.

According to Lt. Chris Cook, a police spokesman, “We believe it was purposefully placed in such a way that it would be discovered by someone walking in the area.” Sanchez told police that several individuals had seized him, tied him up, and forced him to witness someone else be stabbed to death.

According to evidence contained in a search warrant affidavit, Sanchez has indicated that an individual he refers to as “Cholo” has been issuing death threats against him in connection with an accusation of stealing cash. Furthermore, Sanchez testified that “Diablo” and Cholo paid him a visit at his home on the aforementioned Friday. Sanchez chose not to open the door, causing them to leave.

Sanchez said Cholo called him later Friday and told him he had to come to his house in the 200 block of Burton Drive or he would be killed. Sanchez arrived and saw a dead man — Diablo — on the living room floor and fled in terror.

Cholo, on the other hand, quickly called him and asked him to return. When he returned, he saw Cholo carefully excavating a large pit in the backyard, all while being watched by a gathering of observers.

There were multiple witnesses to the incident, according to the official document, although their tales differed. According to one of the witnesses, Sanchez described fleeing a prior gathering due to the presence of an unnamed guy who allegedly declared willingness to commit a murder and record it. As a result, different accounts of the events surrounding the homicide emerged.

As per another witness, a very distraught Sanchez told her that he was compelled to cut off the victim’s arms.

Police sources claimed that a man named Cholo, who has the tattoo “el mas odiado” on his arm, is circulating photographs of the victim’s skull. Cholo claimed responsibility for Diablo and his seventeen-year-old girlfriend’s deaths.

When authorities showed Sanchez a photo lineup, he recognized Acosta-Ojeda, 28, as the man he knew as Cholo.

Sanchez called the cops after witnessing Cholo and Diablo conversing at Cholo’s house. Cholo then approached Diablo from behind and assaulted him with a machete. The affidavit mentions this incident.

Police raided the Burton Dr. residence and discovered a machete, blood evidence, and the body remains of two victims buried in the backyard.

Sanchez, 18, was detained on suspicion of homicide, burglary, and narcotics possession. Bail is set at $51,000 in Tarrant County.

Law enforcement officials feel that the persons who sadly died were purposefully targeted, leading them to infer that these killings could be linked to illegal narcotics activity.

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