Arizona’s Minimum Wage Increase Causes Massive Layoffs for Health Care Workers


Arizona’s minimum wage will rise from $13.85 to $14.35 on January 1, 2024, as part of the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act, which voters adopted in 2016. The statute also requires yearly inflation increases to the minimum wage based on the Consumer Price Index for urban workers.

However, several companies, particularly in the healthcare industry, have expressed concern and criticism over the hike, claiming that it would compel them to reduce employment and services.

The Effect of the Minimum Wage Increase on Healthcare Providers

According to the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association (AzHHA), the minimum wage increase will increase labor costs for the state’s hospitals by $150 million in 2024, reducing their capacity to deliver excellent care to patients. The group also fears that the pay hike would result in layoffs, fewer hours, and service cuts for healthcare workers, particularly in rural and underprivileged regions.

Read more: Virginia’s Minimum Wage Increase Causes Massive Health Care Layoffs

Some healthcare businesses have already declared intentions to cut their employment or close locations in response to the minimum wage increase. For example, Hospice of the Valley, the nation’s biggest nonprofit hospice, has announced that it will remove 100 positions and limit services for some patients beginning in January. The organization stated that it cannot afford to pay higher compensation without jeopardizing its purpose and quality of service.

Another Example is the Arizona State Hospital, Which Offers

Psychiatric care for civilly committed or court-referred patients. Due to the minimum wage increase, the hospital announced the closure of two units and the layoff of 182 people, or almost 20% of its workforce. The hospital’s director stated that the salary hike would result in a $12.8 million budget gap for the facility, which is already dealing with personnel shortages and operational issues.

Arguments for and Against Raising the Minimum Wage

Supporters of the minimum wage increase say that it will help both low-income workers and the economy by increasing buying power and eliminating poverty. They also believe that the wage rise will improve health care by allowing workers to buy better health insurance and preventative treatment.

Also read: South Carolina’s Minimum Wage Increase Causes Massive Health Care Layoffs

Opponents of the minimum wage increase argue that it would harm companies and consumers by raising expenses and prices, lowering profitability and competitiveness. They further claim that the wage hike would have a detrimental impact on health care since firms will be obliged to slash employment and services, while workers will have fewer hours and benefits.


In summary, Arizona’s minimum wage is likely to rise under the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act, raising worries in the healthcare business. Opponents, notably in healthcare, claim that the raise would result in major labor cost increases, potentially leading to layoffs, service cutbacks, and closures. Proponents, on the other hand, underline the benefits for low-income workers and the economy. The argument highlights the difficult balance between wage policy and its implications for companies and services.

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