Are You Moving From New York to Florida? Here is the Comprehensive Guide


Are you seriously considering leaving the Empire State and moving to sunny Florida? This is a major move, and I’m very familiar with it. In truth, I was born and raised in New York and currently reside in the Sunshine State.

Shirley and I moved to Florida and never looked back. However, it is not all sunshine and warm water for everyone; it is a significant decision.

Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of moving from New York to Florida, what you’ll miss, what you’ll love, and everything in between.

Are Many People Moving From New York to Florida?

Yes, many people are relocating from New York to Florida.

A recent publication by the US Census Bureau revealing the current state-to-state migration trend revealed that approximately 90,000 New Yorkers relocate to Florida each year. Trust us, you are not alone. We’ve met a lot of native New Yorkers here who are enjoying life. They are not alone in their move here. Every day, more than 1,218 people relocate to Florida to start a new life.

Do You Have Any Regrets About Moving to Florida?

 Weather and Climate (Florida Vs New York)

This will be an easy section.

Keep in mind that we selected to compare New York to Orlando, Florida, which is inland and considered to be hotter. Coastal cities are significantly colder and more pleasant in the summer, increasing the weather disparity between New York and Florida.

Now, is Florida more humid? Yes.

Is Florida rainier in the summer? Yes, it’s tropical.

Does Florida experience days with extreme heat? Absolutely.

All of this is true, but keep in mind that Florida is a warm-weather paradise year-round.

Season Differences in Weather

In general, Florida’s seasons are less distinct than those of New York.

In other words, Florida does not have four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

People frequently claim that Florida has only two seasons due to its subtropical and tropical climates, which result in two different seasons: wet and dry.

Weather New York Florida
Average Temperature Winter: 27-42°F (−3-6°C)
Winter: 55-75°F (13-24°C)
Summer: 70-85°F (21-29°C)
Summer: 75-92°F (24-33°C)
Humidity High in summer (60-70%)
High year-round, especially in summer (75-90%)
Rainfall Moderate (40-50 inches annually)
High (40-60 inches annually, more in the south)
Snowfall Frequent in winter, especially in upstate New York (20-60 inches on average)
Extremely rare, primarily frost in northern areas
Storms -Occasional thunderstorms in summer Nor’easters in winter
-Frequent thunderstorms in summer
-Hurricane season from June to November
Seasonal Variation Distinct four seasons
More consistent year-round with mild winters
Sunshine Moderate, with more sunny days in summer
High, with an average of 230-260 sunny days
  • Wet Season (May to October): This season is distinguished by high temperatures, high humidity, and frequent rain showers, particularly in the afternoon. It is also the start of Florida’s hurricane season, which lasts from June 1 to November 30.
  • The dry season (November to April) in Florida is marked by milder temperatures and lower humidity levels, making it a more enjoyable time of year for many inhabitants and visitors. Rainfall is less frequent, and the weather is often more predictable, with plenty of sunny days.
  • The lack of a conventional fall and winter, with associated low temperatures, snowfall, and leaf changes that many other parts of the United States experience, has led to the widespread belief that Florida has only two seasons.

On the other hand, New York has four distinct seasons:

  • Winter (December-February): Cold and snowy, particularly in upstate New York, with temperatures frequently falling below freezing.
  • Spring (March to May): A period of transition when temperatures gradually rise and flora bloom.
  • Summer (June-August): Warm to scorching temperatures with heavy humidity, reaching 85°F or more.
    Fall (September to November): Cooler temperatures and changing leaf colors provide magnificent panoramas before the leaves fall.

So, although Florida primarily alternates between hot and wet and warm and dry conditions, New York enjoys a far greater range of seasonal fluctuations, offering a variety of weather experiences and scenery changes throughout the year.


Florida has a lower cost of living compared to New York.

However, it is crucial to be realistic and recognize that not everything is considerably cheaper in Florida.

Let’s look at the cost of living in different places and compare New York and Florida.

  • Overall Index
    • New York: 126.6
    • Florida: 101.9
  • Grocery
    • New York: 104.7
    • Florida: 101.9
  • Housing
    • New York: 175.5
    • Florida: 108.2
  • Utilities
    • New York: 102.8
    • Florida: 100.0
  • Transportation
    • New York: 107.0
    • Florida: 98.8
  • Health
    • New York: 105.6
    • Florida: 96.5
  • Miscellaneous
    • New York: 110.6
    • Florida: 98.8

As shown above, New York is more expensive than Florida in almost every category.

New York is more expensive than 45 other US states, so this should come as no surprise.

However, housing is the only place where New York is much more costly than Florida, and that figure may be deceiving (more on that later).

Yes, you will save some money on electricity, groceries, petrol, healthcare, transportation, and other monthly expenses—but Florida may be unexpectedly pricey in areas like car insurance, homeowners insurance, HOA fees, and health insurance.

Why is New York So Much More Expensive Than Florida?

Supply & Demand

  • New York: The high demand for scarce space, notably in New York City, has dramatically increased housing expenses.
  • Florida: While premier areas are in high demand, the state has more development space available, which helps to keep costs down.

Population Density

  • New York: The state, particularly New York City, has a high population density, which increases competition for resources and raises prices.
  • Florida: Despite its densely populated cities, it provides a broader range of living options, including more expansive suburban and rural surroundings that can be more affordable.


  • New York’s geographic limits, notably its proximity to water, inherently limit expansion and raise costs.
  • Florida has a larger land area suitable for home construction, which helps to keep real estate prices relatively affordable.

Income levels

  • New York: Higher average salaries, particularly in financial sectors headquartered in NYC, might raise the cost of living since consumers are ready to pay more for services and facilities.
  • Florida: While there are some high-income neighborhoods, the average salary is often lower than in New York, which can assist in keeping the expense of living in check.

Tax policies

  • New York has a high tax burden, including income taxes, which can increase the cost of living.
  • Florida: Because Florida does not have a state income tax, living there may be less expensive than living in New York.


  • New York City is a popular tourist destination, and the large number of visitors can raise rates, particularly in the surrounding areas.
  • Florida: Despite being a major tourist destination, the impact on the cost of living is better balanced due to a broader variety of tourist locations dispersed over the state, as well as the high availability of space.

Government Policies and Regulations

  • New York: Stricter rules and zoning restrictions may raise the cost of dwelling and conducting business in the state.
  • Florida has more liberal rules, which can foster corporate expansion while keeping expenses low.

Florida Has a Slower Pace of Life Than New York

We’ll keep this piece short and sweet.

Florida offers a laid-back atmosphere, sand in your toes, and margaritas against a soundtrack of Jimmy Buffett and ocean waves.

In New York, the city’s cultural symphony includes automobile horns, rooftop shouts, screeching tires, whistling windy weather, and busy passengers on the subway.

It’s simply different. Florida is low-key and relaxed. Life is easy.

According to US Census Bureau data, the average one-way travel time in Florida was approximately 27.4 minutes.

In New York, the typical commute took approximately 33.3 minutes.

Where Should I Live When I Move From New York to Florida?

That’s an excellent question, yet one that is difficult to answer.

We have numerous clients from the Northeast who amaze us with their wish lists. They sometimes desire a Florida community with features similar to their New York neighborhood, while other times they want something completely different.

New York to Florida City Pairings

New York City, NY – Miami, Florida

  • Culture and Diversity: Both are melting pots of numerous cultures, with large cities that offer a diverse populace.
  • Art Scene: Each city has a thriving art scene, complete with galleries, theaters, and events such as Broadway in New York City and Art Basel Miami.

Buffalo, NY-Tampa, FL

  • Waterfront Cities: Both cities are located on the water and provide stunning waterfront experiences.
  • Sports: Both have a vibrant sports culture, including NFL teams and devoted followers.

Rochester, NY-Orlando, FL

  • Family-Friendly: Both cities have a variety of family-friendly activities and attractions, such as theme parks in Orlando and museums in Rochester.
  • Education: They both have prominent educational institutions and prioritize educational growth.

Syracuse, NY – Jacksonville, FL

  • River Cities: Syracuse lies near the Finger Lakes, while Jacksonville has the St. Johns River, which offers scenic waterside views and recreational options.
  • Cultural events: Throughout the year, both cities offer a variety of cultural events that highlight their regions’ rich diversity and history.

Albany, New York – Tallahassee, Florida

  • Capital Cities: Both are the capital cities of their respective states, with state government facilities and officials.
  • Historical Significance: They each have a rich past, with historical landmarks and museums highlighting their respective states’ histories.

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Moving from New York to Florida involves a considerable change in lifestyle, environment, and expense of living. While Florida enjoys sunny weather all year and a reduced cost of living, New York has distinct seasons and higher costs. Choosing the best Florida city is based on personal choices, which range from hectic Miami to family-friendly Orlando.

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