America’s #1 Most Dangerous Small Town: The Surprising Truth About Cocoa, FL


In an unexpected twist of fate, the small town of Cocoa, Florida, has been catapulted into the spotlight for a somewhat troubling cause. According to recent crime data, this deceptively tranquil hamlet has become the most hazardous in the state.

The Alarming Statistics

Cocoa, which has a population of slightly more than 19,000, has seen a significant increase in crime rates. According to the most recent reports, the violent crime rate is 11.01 per 1,000 population, while the property crime rate is 55.42. These data are more than simply numbers; they indicate a community dealing with safety issues that influence all aspects of daily life.

Factors Behind the Surge

The reasons for this increase in crime are diverse. Poverty, drug addiction, and gang involvement are all elements that experts believe contribute to the problem. The city’s high crime rate includes both severe crimes like aggravated assault and robbery, as well as common property offenses like burglary and theft. This intricate web of challenges necessitates a balanced response to police enforcement and community engagement.

What is the Demographic Breakdown of Crime in Cocoa, Florida?

The demographic breakdown of crime in Cocoa, FL shows a total crime rate of 5,882.4 per 100,000 persons, with particular information for each type of crime. The breakdown contains:

  • Murder: zero per 100,000 persons.
  • Rape rate: 25.5 per 100,000 persons.
  • Robbery rate: 173.3 per 100,000 persons.
  • Assault rate: 886.9 per 100,000
  • Burglary rate: 535.2 per 100,000 persons.
  • Theft rate: 3,960.6 per 100,000 people
  • Vehicle theft rate: 300.7 per 100,000 people

These numbers shed light on the distribution of various sorts of crimes in the community, highlighting locations that may require focused interventions to address certain crime categories.

How Does the Crime Rate in Cocoa, Fl Compare to Other Cities in Florida?

The crime rate in Cocoa, FL is significantly higher than in other cities in Florida. When comparing crime rates in different cities in Florida, Cocoa stands out with a total crime rate of 5,882.4 per 100,000 people, which is significantly higher than rates in other cities such as Melbourne (3,923.3), Titusville (2,333.7), Rockledge (1,408.4), Cocoa Beach (2,652.4), and Satellite Beach (974.5) per 100,000. This data highlights Cocoa’s higher degree of criminal activity compared to other communities in Florida.

Community Response

The Cocoa Police Department has disputed several of the conclusions, claiming that the report is faulty and does not reflect the most recent data. They claim that the crime rate computation is incorrect and that there has been a 41% decline in violent crime per 100 residents from the previous year. Despite these assertions, the impression of risk remains, and it is evident that more must be done to address the root causes of crime in Cocoa.

Looking Ahead

As Cocoa grapples with its newfound fame, the future is uncertain. The community must work together to execute effective crime prevention methods and provide assistance to individuals affected by crime. Cocoa can only hope to lose its reputation as Florida’s most dangerous city and reclaim its status as a safe haven via sustained efforts.


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