Alabama’s Rental Laws And Rights For Landlords And Tenants For 2024


Understanding how state laws work is crucial if you want to promote a healthy leasing relationship from start to end. Alabama landlord-tenant laws include several guidelines that both landlords and tenants should always follow to comply with the law.

Alabama: A Landlord-Friendly State?

Currently, Alabama is considered a landlord-friendly state. This is because there aren’t many provisions regarding what a landlord can or cannot do, which allows them to be more flexible with their contracts. On the other hand, the Alabama landlord-tenant law protects tenants from some specific matters, such as discrimination or harassment.

Provisions in Rental Agreements

All the guidelines, rights, and other miscellaneous information are thoroughly explained in the Alabama Code (Title 35-9A). Keep in mind that those are general rules, but each rental case may be different from one another.

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Key Elements of a Lease Agreement

A lease agreement in Alabama typically includes:

  • Description of the leased premises
  • Address of the unit
  • Information about the parties involved in the lease
  • Overview of landlord and tenant legal rights
  • Rent payments
  • Security deposits
  • Conditions for termination of the lease
  • The person responsible for regular maintenance and repairs on the property
  • Landlords’ Rights and Responsibilities

According to the Alabama landlord-tenant law, landlords have certain rights and responsibilities:


  • Collect rent payments
  • Collect a security deposit
  • Seek formal eviction suit if the tenant breaches contract or laws


  • Provide a rental unit complying with health and safety regulations
  • Promptly address repair requests
  • Respect tenant rights
  • Tenants’ Rights and Responsibilities

Tenants in Alabama also have rights and responsibilities:


  • Seek a habitable unit complying with health and safety regulations
  • Request repairs promptly
  • Pursue alternative action if repairs not provided


  • Maintain premises
  • Pay rent on time
  • Make small repairs
  • Not disturb neighbors
  • Clean premises as requested
  • General Clauses in Alabama Landlord-Tenant Rental Laws

Rent Payments:

Flexible rent amounts
Payment at the beginning of each month unless specified otherwise
Late Fees: Allowed but not required
Rent Increases: Can be implemented without notice, but agreement with the tenant is advisable
Grace Period: No specified grace period; late fees can be charged immediately
Security Deposits: Limited to one month’s rent

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Additional deposit for pets allowed

Deposit Return: Within one month, extendable to 60 days
Deposit Withhold: Partial withholding is allowed for specific reasons
Deposit Interest: No interest requirement
Lease Termination: Specific notice periods depending on tenancy type


Navigating Alabama’s landlord-tenant laws is crucial for maintaining a fair and transparent leasing relationship. Understanding rights, responsibilities, and legal clauses ensures a smooth and harmonious tenancy for both landlords and tenants alike. For specific legal advice tailored to your rental case, consulting with an attorney is always recommended.

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