A Judge Briefly Stops Ken Paxton, The Attorney General Of Texas, From Getting Information From An Lgbtq+ Group


Texas’s Austin In February, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked the LGBTQ+ group PFLAG to hand over some paperwork, emails, and data that had to do with their group and their work helping families with transgender teens.

“Everyone is scared. Lynly Egyes, Legal Director of the Transgender Law Center, said, “This isn’t the first time the Texas Attorney General’s Office has gone after parents and trans youth.”

There is an investigation going on at the AG’s office into whether or not some medical providers are cheating insurance companies and breaking Senate Bill 14, which says doctors can’t give hormone treatments and puberty blockers to transgender teens.

Lawyers from the Texas Attorney General’s Office wouldn’t say anything on camera, but Jonathan Covey, Director of Policy for Texas Values, says they can look into any legal violations.

We hope that if a group has something to hide, it will come out. We hope that it comes to light that they are breaking the law in some way so that justice can be done. Let’s see the papers if they don’t have anything to hide. He said, “Let’s see what they’re trying to keep safe right now.”

The groups Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, Transgender Law Center, and Arnold & Porter asked the court to stop the Attorney General’s demands for an investigation. Judge Amy Clark Meachum agreed to give the temporary injunction. Lynly Egyes from the Transgender Law Center spoke after the meeting.

“These egregious attacks by the Attorney General’s Office is a bald-faced attempt to invade the privacy of the loving families and scare and bully people who want nothing more than to love their children,” said Egyes.

KVUE also tried to get in touch with State Sen. Donna Campbell, who wrote the bill, but her office said she was too busy to talk.

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