A 10-year-old Mississippi Boy Who Was Arrested For Public Urination Receives Probation And A Book Report Assignment


A Mississippi 10-year-old kid who was arrested for urinating in a parking lot has been sentenced to probation and told to write a book report.

During a hearing in Tate County Youth Court on Tuesday, Quantavious Eason was sentenced to three months probation and assigned a two-page book report about the late NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant, but the incident will not appear on his record, according to family attorney Carlos Moore.

According to Moore, Eason was not pronounced delinquent or in need of supervision and was not adjudicated.

According to CNN, the youngster was arrested and taken to the Senatobia Police Department in August after deciding to discharge himself on private land near his mother’s vehicle because signs claimed there were no public bathrooms.

LaTonya Eason, the boy’s mother, said at a news conference in September that an officer driving by spotted her son, stopped, and went inside the store to hunt for her. The officer appeared satisfied after the mother chastised her youngster for his behavior.

According to the mother, four more Senatobia police officers, including a lieutenant, arrived. She stated that her son was arrested, placed in a police van, and transported to a police station.

Moore said at the time that the 10-year-old was “distraught and now afraid of police, and he will start counseling.”

When Quatavious was arrested, the officer filed a youth court referral, which culminated in the hearing on Tuesday.

The officer involved was fired about ten days following Eason’s arrest. The officer’s name was not released by the Senatobia Police Department.

The officer’s decisions violated our written policy and went against our prior training on how to deal with these situations,” the police department stated in a statement.

An internal inquiry was launched in response to the event, and “as a result of this investigation, one of the officers involved is no longer employed, and the others will be disciplined.” We will also conduct required Juvenile training throughout the department, as we do every year.”

Moore and his clients intend to take additional action in the future, according to Moore.

Senatobia town in northern Mississippi, about 30 miles south of the Tennessee border.

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