Most People Forget About This Abandoned Place in Iowa State


If you want to learn more about Iowa’s history and mysteries, consider visiting the abandoned Bagley School ruins. This ancient school building in the little town of Bagley, Guthrie County, was once a thriving educational and communal hub. It now stands as a headless, ghostly memento of the past.

The History of the Bagley School

Bagley School was erected in the early 1900s and operated as a public primary and high school until the 1960s. The school housed a big auditorium, a gymnasium, a library, and various classrooms. It also featured a bell tower that rung loudly for everyone to hear.

The school closed in the 1960s owing to low enrollment and merging with other districts. The building was eventually sold to a private owner, who converted it into a home. However, the owner did not properly maintain the property, and residents complained about its deteriorating state.

Read more: Most People Forget About This Abandoned Place in Ohio State

In 2012, a snowstorm collapsed the school’s roof, leaving the upper level exposed to the elements. The owner refused to dismantle the structure or pay for its renovation, and the town lacked legal standing to interfere. The school became an eyesore and a safety risk to the community.

The Mystery of Bagley School

Despite its deteriorated state, Bagley School continues to attract interested tourists and urban explorers eager to find what lurks within the ruins. Some of them have reported seeing and hearing unusual things like bats, books, and bells.

The lowest level of the school is primarily dark and wet, with mildew and decay on the walls and floors. The upper level is light and spacious, yet it is also riddled with waste and rot. The sun beams through the gaps in the roof, casting weird shadows and patterns. The wind whistles through the damaged windows, causing the bell tower to shake and creak.

Some tourists claim to have heard the bell ringing, even though it has remained silent for decades. Others reported seeing books and papers flying around as if someone or something was attempting to read them. Some have even reported experiencing a chilly and unfriendly vibe as if they were not wanted in the school.

Future of Bagley School

Bagley School’s fate is unknown since the owner continues to refuse to sell or demolish the site. The municipality has no finances or intentions to restore or maintain the structure, and the state has no interest or control over the property. The institution continues to elicit debate and intrigue among both residents and visitors.

Some individuals hope that the school will be rescued and transformed into a museum or cultural center to commemorate its history and legacy. Others hope that the school will be demolished and replaced with something modern and functional, boosting the town’s image and income. Others hope that the school will be left alone to maintain its mystery and attractiveness.

Whatever the future holds, Bagley School is an interesting and underappreciated Iowa institution that needs to be seen and remembered. It is a spot where history and mystery mix, providing visitors with a one-of-a-kind and memorable experience.


The Bagley School in Guthrie County, Iowa, is an intriguing combination of history and mystery. From its early 1900s beginnings as a bustling educational hub to its current condition of disrepair, the institution piques interest and curiosity. Despite questions over its future, Bagley School remains a remarkable place, resonating with previous events and providing visitors with a unique and unforgettable experience.

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