Florida Traffic Rule 2024 Latest Update: Recognizing the Right Turn on Red Rules


Florida is one of the states where cars can turn right on red unless a sign bans it. However, this does not imply that drivers can turn right without halting or yielding to pedestrians and other vehicles. In reality, Florida recently revised its traffic laws to clarify the conditions and penalties of making a right turn on red. Here’s everything you need to know about the new regulation, including how to prevent infractions and crashes.

The Law

According to Florida Statute 316.075, a driver wishing to turn right at an intersection must make both the approach and the right turn as near as possible to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. The car must also come to a complete stop before approaching the indicated limit line, crossing the crosswalk, or entering the junction. The motorist may then make a right turn on red after surrendering the right-of-way to any vehicle or pedestrian within the intersection or a nearby crosswalk.

According to the legislation, a driver may not turn right on red if there is a sign that says “no turn on red” or “right turn signal”. Before turning, the motorist must first wait for a green light or arrow. Furthermore, the legislation states that a vehicle may only turn left on red if they are on a one-way street and are turning onto another one-way street, following the same criteria as a right turn on red.

The Consequences

In Florida, violating the right turn-on-red regulation is considered a non-criminal offense punishable by a fine and driver’s license points. The fine amount varies by county, but it normally runs between $150 and $275, which includes fines and court costs. The offense also adds three points to the driver’s record, which may result in increased insurance rates or a license suspension if too many points are accumulated within a specified period.

However, monetary and administrative fines are not the only repercussions of making an incorrect right turn on red. The motorist may collide with another car or a person, causing property damage, injuries, or even death. In such circumstances, the driver may face civil liabilities and lawsuits from the victims or their relatives, as well as criminal prosecution if the incident was the result of carelessness or recklessness.

The Prevention

To prevent the negative consequences of going right on red, drivers should follow a few easy guidelines:

  • Always come to a complete stop before turning right at red. Check the traffic and pedestrian conditions before driving through the junction or making a sudden turn.
  • Always look in both directions before going right on red. Check for incoming cars, particularly those heading left or straight through the junction. Also, look for pedestrians and bicycles who may be crossing the roadway or utilizing the sidewalk.
  • Always give others the right of way before going right on red. Don’t think you have priority or that others will stop for you. Wait until the intersection is clear and safe to proceed.
  • Always respect the signs and signals governing the right turn on red. Do not turn right on red if there is a sign or signal prohibiting it. Always follow the directives and suggestions of the traffic devices.
  • Always utilize your turn signal before going right onto red. This can assist other drivers and pedestrians in understanding your intentions and avoiding confusion or confrontation.


Finally, Florida’s modified right turn on red legislation encourages healthy driving habits. Motorists must follow specified criteria, which include coming to a complete stop, yielding to pedestrians and vehicles, and obeying traffic signals. Fines, license points, and other civil or criminal penalties are the repercussions of violations. Following these standards ensures safety, avoids collisions, and reduces legal consequences.

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