How a Jacksonville Resident Stole Mail and Defrauded Banks


Jacksonville, Florida– Frank Anthony Acanda, a 26-year-old resident of Jacksonville, is currently facing many counts, including bank fraud, theft of mail, and conspiracy to conduct bank fraud.

With the announcement of Acanda’s indictment, United States Attorney Roger B. Handberg hinted at a significant court fight that the accused would soon face.

Acanda may get a maximum term of 30 years in federal prison for each count of bank fraud and conspiracy to conduct bank fraud if he is found guilty of all counts.

In addition, he may spend up to five years in jail for conspiring to steal mail and stealing mail. Furthermore, recompense to the victims who lost money as a result of Acanda’s purported acts could be required of him.

As stated in the indictment, Acanda went on a mailbox-stealing rampage around Fleming Island, Jacksonville, and St. Augustine, working with his co-defendant Jonathan Benavide Hidalgo and other individuals. During several months, a large amount of mail from commercial and residential mailboxes was stolen in this illegal operation.

The main method of operation for this operation was to steal money orders and checks from the pilfered mail. These illicit gains would then be transferred into bank accounts controlled by Acanda, Hidalgo, and their allies.

The co-defendants occasionally went so far as to tamper with stolen checks, purposefully inflating the amounts to maximize their earnings while making cash withdrawals from ATMs, which only served to highlight the seriousness of their acts.

The indictment is evidence of the commitment of law enforcement organizations to fighting financial crimes that harm people, companies, and society at large. Roger B. Handberg, the United States Attorney, emphasized his steadfast dedication to seeing that the victims who suffered the most from these alleged offenses receive justice.

The evidence used against Frank Anthony Acanda will be closely examined as the court process progresses. The verdict in this case will dictate Acanda’s repercussions because of the allegations that include bank fraud, theft of mail, conspiracy to conduct bank fraud, and theft of mail.

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