This Missouri Haunted Cemetery Terrifying Backstory


Although Missouri has a long and varied past, it also has a dark side. The Zion Cemetery in St. Louis is one of the most notorious haunted places in the state, renowned for satanic rituals, murders, and paranormal activity that is sure to chill you to the bone.

The History of Zion Cemetery

The 13-acre cemetery was founded in 1864 as a resting place for Zion Evangelical Church members. Today, it is home to nearly 19,000 graves. The gravestones, with several entries in German, showcase the congregation’s cultural background.

Zion Cemetery, which had previously been quiet and well-kept, took a bad turn in the 1970s when it started to be targeted for destruction and vandalism. Tombstones were broken, graves were unearthed, and bones and skulls were either stolen or scattered. Some of the perpetrators were allegedly Satanists performing rituals using the bones and skulls. The cemetery was neglected and eventually fell into disrepair since the church was unable to pay for security or maintenance.

The Paranormal Activities at Zion Cemetery

Many people think Zion Cemetery is haunted by restless spirits as a result of the frightening events there that have left an enduring impression. Among the reported paranormal events are:

  • Apparitions: Especially close to the mass burial of Spanish Flu victims, visitors report seeing the ghosts of soldiers, nuns, and children. Some apparitions are said to be meek and sorrowful and others that are said to be furious and violent.
  • Voices and Noises: There have been whispers, yells, laughs, and sometimes tears in German. Aside from that, tourists describe hearing noises that could be related to Civil War soldiers buried there, such as gunshots, explosions, and marching.
  • Cold Spots and Touches: Abrupt temperature dips accompanied by the feeling of hands reaching out and grasping, pushing, or clawing. Some have experienced cheek kisses or breath on their necks.
  • Orbs and Mists: Strange lights and shapes, including orbs, mists, and shadows, have been captured on cameras and movies. Some of these have faces or other identifiable features on them.

The Hazards at Zion Memorial Park

Zion Cemetery should not be visited by people who are easily scared by heights or dangerous situations.

Legal Difficulties: Trespassing on private property, such as the cemetery, is prohibited and can result in fines or arrests if detected.
Physical harm: There are sharp things, rusted metal, and shattered glass all over the cemetery, making it unstable and dangerous. Insects, snakes, and wild animals may also be encountered by visitors.
Psychological Trauma: After visiting the graveyard, which is frightful and unsettling, one may experience anxiety, despair, or nightmares. After departing, some tourists even claim to have been cursed or to be being pursued by ghosts.

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In Summary

With a tragic and eerie past, Zion Cemetery is still regarded as one of Missouri’s most haunted locations. There has a reputation for unfriendliness among the remaining spirits. When touring the cemetery, visitors should be respectful and cautious, and they should be ready for any unexpected outcomes. Zion Cemetery is a place for the brave and bold, not the inquisitive or the daring.

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