This Michigan City Uses More Marijuana Than Any Other Place In The Country


Together with the District of Columbia, Michigan is one of the 19 states that have legalized marijuana for both medical and recreational use. The cannabis market in the state is growing rapidly; in 2021, total sales are expected to approach $1.8 billion. Which Michigan city, though, smokes marijuana the most?

Ann Arbor: Michigan’s Cannabis Capital

Ann Arbor has Michigan’s greatest per capita cannabis consumption, per a report by consulting firm Anderson Economic Group, which studies the cannabis sector. According to the report, the cannabis consumption of Ann Arbor locals in 2020 was estimated to be 13.8 metric tons or 10.8 grams per person. This is over twice as much as the 4.7 grams per person state average.

Michigan’s city with the longest history of legalizing cannabis is Ann Arbor. Being the first city in the state to legalize marijuana possession, the city did so in 1972. Voters in Ann Arbor supported a referendum in 2004 that effectively allowed adults to use cannabis without fear of imprisonment by placing it as the lowest priority for law enforcement. After the state approved the Proposal, Ann Arbor became one of the first communities in Michigan to permit the selling of marijuana for recreational purposes in 2018.

The University of Michigan, one of the biggest and most prominent public colleges in the nation, is located in Ann Arbor. The university is known for having a vibrant culture of student activism and for being a liberal and progressive campus. The institution also organizes the yearly Hash Bash, a demonstration that supports marijuana reform and honors the culture of cannabis. Every year, thousands of people attend the event, including musicians, politicians, and celebrities.

Other Cities with Excessive Cannabis Use

There are more Michigan cities outside Ann Arbor that like cannabis. The top ten cities in Michigan according to cannabis usage per capita in 2020 were also listed in the Anderson Economic Group analysis. The list is as follows:

  • 10.8 grams per person in Ann Arbor
  • 7.6 grams per person in Detroit
  • 6.9 grams of lansing per person
  • Grand Rapids: each individual, 6.2 grams
  • Flint: 5.9 grams each individual
  • 5.8 grams per person in Kalamazoo
  • Saginaw: 5.6 grams each individual
  • 5.5 grams of molegon per person
  • Battle Creek: each individual, 5.3 grams
  • Jackson: 5.2 grams each individual

Based on each city’s population and per capita cannabis consumption, the research also approximated the total cannabis consumption for each city. These are the outcomes:

  • 46.8 metric tons in Detroit
  • Metric tons: 13.8 in Ann Arbor
  • 12.9 metric tons in Grand Rapids
  • 8.5 metric tons for Lansing
  • 5.8 metric tons of Flint
  • 4.8 metric tons in Kalamazoo
  • 3.1 metric tons in Saginaw
  • Muskegon: two and a half tons
  • 2.7 metric tons at Battle Creek
  • Jackson: two and a half tons

With more consumers and companies entering the market, the cannabis sector in Michigan is predicted to expand even further in the upcoming years. According to the Anderson Economic Group estimate, Michigan will consume 118 metric tons of cannabis overall by 2025, up from 94 metric tons in 2020. According to the analysis, Michigan’s legal cannabis sales are expected to increase from $1.8 billion in 2021 to $3.1 billion by 2025.

With the emergence of new brands and products, the cannabis market in Michigan likewise becomes more competitive and diverse. In 2021, flowers (53%) vape pens (19%), and edibles (13%) were the most popular product categories in Michigan, according to a report by Headset, a data analytics business that follows the cannabis sector. But the survey also pointed out that other categories were picking up steam and market share, like pre-rolls, concentrates, and beverages.

In addition to generating jobs, Michigan’s cannabis business also brings in money for municipal and state governments through taxes. Leafly, a cannabis media and information platform, said that in 2020, the cannabis business in Michigan supported 18,078 full-time equivalent jobs, an increase from 9,216 in the previous year. According to the research, tax revenue from the cannabis business in Michigan increased from $56 million to $169 million in 2020.

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In Summary

When it comes to cannabis sales and usage, Michigan is among the top states in the union. The market in the state is broad and varied, with a wide range of goods and customers. In Michigan, Ann Arbor has the highest per capita marijuana consumption, followed by Lansing and Detroit. Given the rising number of people using cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes, it is anticipated that the cannabis market in Michigan will continue to expand. In addition to generating jobs and tax income, the cannabis sector in Michigan also offers social and economic advantages by fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

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