7 Reasons Why Nobody Is Relocating to Oregon


Despite being a stunning state with lots of natural attractions, Oregon is not a popular choice for those wishing to relocate. Oregon is not attracting any new residents for the following reasons:

1. High Cost of Living

Oregon has one of the highest cost of living indexes of any state, at 131.2, which is 31.2% more than the national average. Oregon has a $411,300 median home price, which is 77.4% more than the national median. Depending on the income level, the state’s high-income tax rate ranges from 5.9% to 9.9%.

2. Lack of Diversity

With 86.7% of its population being white, 13.9% being Hispanic or Latino, 4.4% being Asian, 2.2% being Black or African American, and 1.8% being Native American or Alaska Native, Oregon is among the least diverse states in the union. Racial exclusion and prejudice have long existed in the state; it dates back to its establishment as a “white-only” state in 1859. Social justice, inequality, and racism are still problems in Oregon.

3. Unpredictable Weather

Rain and clouds are common in Oregon, and for some people, this can have an impact on their mood and mental well-being. Rainfall in the state averages 42 inches annually, which is 6 inches greater than the national average. With only 144 days of sunshine annually, the state has fewer sunny days than the national average of 205. In addition, Oregon’s weather varies substantially by place, with balmy, rainy coastal regions and chilly, dry alpine regions.

4. Natural Disasters

Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, wildfires, floods, and tsunamis are among the many natural disasters that can strike Oregon. Situated along the Pacific Northwest coast, the state is part of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. A powerful earthquake and tsunami that might destroy the area are now possible as a result of this.

Several active volcanoes in Oregon, including Mount Hood, Crater Lake, and Newberry Volcano, are always prone to erupting. In addition, the state is prone to regular landslides that can harm infrastructure, buildings, and roadways, particularly during the rainy season. Severe wildfires can devastate homes, forests, and wildlife in Oregon, particularly during the summer and fall. Floods are another recurring problem in the state, particularly in the low-lying districts that are close to rivers and streams.

5. Limited Job Opportunities

At 4.9%, Oregon’s unemployment rate is comparatively low compared to the 5.2% national average. The state does, however, also have a poor job growth rate of 0.9%, which is much lower than the 1.6% national average. A few industries, including manufacturing, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and technology, account for the majority of the state’s economic activity. Additionally, the state’s low median household income of $67,058, which is 7.4% less than the $72,388 national median, is another issue.

6. Strict Environmental Regulations

With several laws and regulations aimed at protecting the environment and lowering carbon emissions, Oregon is among the most ecologically concerned states in the US. As an illustration, the state has a bottle bill that mandates a 10-cent deposit, redeemable at recycling facilities, on all beverage containers.

To promote the usage of reusable bags, the state has now outlawed single-use plastic bags in supermarkets and other retail establishments. Additionally, by 2025, the state’s low carbon fuel standard calls for a 10% decrease in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels. Although these actions are good for the environment, some people who are not accustomed to them may find them expensive and inconvenient.

7. Isolation from Other States

With just Washington and California as its only neighbors and a sizable Pacific Ocean coastline, Oregon is a somewhat remote state. At 42.6 persons per square mile, the state has a lower population density than the national average of 69.2, by 38.4%. Additionally, there aren’t many large cities in the state—Peterborough is the only one with a population of over 500,000.

Along with having a small transportation network, the state is home to just one major interstate route, I-5, which passes through it in a north-south direction. Along with having few airports overall, the state is home to just one international airport, Portland International Airport, which services the whole region.

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Although Oregon is a place with a lot of natural beauty and charm, not everyone should live there. The state’s disadvantages include a high cost of living, a dearth of diversity, erratic weather, a high chance of natural disasters, a small job market, stringent environmental regulations, and poor interstate connectivity.

Some people may be discouraged from migrating to Oregon by these circumstances, or they may decide to leave after settling there for a period. But, other people may find Oregon’s distinctive culture and way of life to be so intriguing that these aspects don’t even matter to them. The choice to relocate to Oregon ultimately comes down to each person’s priorities and personal preferences.

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