7 Causes for No One to Relocate to Oklahoma


Oklahoma is a state in the American South Central area. Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and New Mexico are its neighbors. It is well-known for its oil and gas sector, rich Native American history, and varied terrain. Oklahoma is not a popular location for those searching for a new area to live, despite its benefits. The following are a few of the causes of the lack of migration to Oklahoma:

1. Extreme Weather

Severe weather phenomena including tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail, floods, droughts, and wildfires are common in Oklahoma. At an average of roughly 62 per year, the state has the highest frequency of tornadoes worldwide. Temperature extremes, ranging from -31°F to 120°F, are also experienced in Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s severe and erratic weather may make daily life perilous and stressful.

2. Low Quality of Life

Oklahoma does poorly on a wide range of quality-of-life metrics, including happiness, income, education, and health. Based on a number of criteria, Oklahoma is ranked as the 47th best state in the union by U.S. News & World Report. Oklahoma is second in the country for the percentage of the population without health insurance, fourth for obesity, sixth for poverty, and ninth for high school graduation rates. Oklahoma has the highest divorce rate and the lowest life expectancy in the nation.

3. Lack of Diversity and Culture

Oklahoma is a conservative, predominately white state with minimal diversity in terms of racial, ethnic, religious, and political viewpoints. Oklahoma is 72.2% white, 9.4% Native American, 7.8% black, 4.6% Hispanic, and 2.4% Asian, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Additionally, Oklahoma is home to 79% Christians, 18% Unaffiliated, and 3% Other Religious Groups. Being a red state, Oklahoma often supports the Republican Party in presidential elections. The most percentage of any state was given to Donald Trump by Oklahoma voters in the 2020 election—65.4%.

Oklahoma is likewise devoid of cultural attractions and activities, including theaters, museums, festivals, and nightlife. With roughly 655,000 inhabitants, Oklahoma City is the sole large city in the state and the 27th most populated in the nation. The remainder of the state is primarily rural and agricultural, with limited access to metropolitan services and recreation.

4. High Crime Rate

Oklahoma has a high crime rate, particularly when it comes to severe crimes like assault, robbery, rape, and murder. The FBI reports that Oklahoma had 449.3 violent crimes per 100,000 residents in 2019, which is more than the 366.7 average for the entire US. In addition, Oklahoma recorded 6.1 homicides per 100,000 residents, which is more than the 5.0 national average. Oklahoma City, the capital and largest city of the state, is ranked 15th in the United States for violent crime and 17th for property crime among cities with more than 250,000 residents, making it one of the most dangerous cities in the nation.

5. Low Wages and High Taxes

Living in Oklahoma can be costly and unappealing for many due to the state’s high taxes and poor salaries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Oklahoma’s 2019 median annual wage was $40,640, less than the $51,960 national median. The progressive income tax system in Oklahoma ranges from 0.5% to 5%, contingent on the income level. In addition, Oklahoma has a 4.5% state sales tax, which certain municipal governments may raise to 11%. In addition, Oklahoma has a property tax of 0.87%, which raises living expenses even though it is less than the 1.07% national average.

6. Environmental Issues

Oklahoma faces several environmental problems, including earthquakes, water contamination, and air pollution. Oklahoma ranks 48th in the American Lung Association’s State of the Air report, which indicates that it has some of the poorest air quality in the country. The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that 40% of Oklahoma’s lakes and 30% of its rivers are impaired due to excessive levels of water pollution. In addition, Oklahoma experiences a lot of earthquakes, which have been connected to the state’s oil and gas sector and the practice of pumping wastewater into subterranean wells. Except for Alaska, Oklahoma saw more earthquakes in 2020—448—magnitude 3.0 or higher than any other state.

7. Negative Reputation and Stereotypes

Stereotypes and Oklahoma’s bad reputation can discourage people from traveling to or relocating to the state. Many people have the impression that Oklahoma is a dull, stupid, intolerant, and backward state with little to offer in the way of innovation, culture, or education. The terrible and dishonorable events in Oklahoma’s past, such as the Dust Bowl, the Trail of Tears, and the Oklahoma City bombing, are also connected to the state. Oklahoma is also the target of taunts and jokes, as seen by Twister, the musical, and the expression “OK is not OK.”

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Oklahoma presents a lot of difficulties and disadvantages, making it an undesirable destination for many people to call home. Oklahoma is known for its harsh weather, poor standard of living, lack of diversity and culture, high crime rate, expensive salaries and taxes, unfavorable reputation, and negative stereotypes. These are a few of the explanations for why Oklahoma is among the least popular states in the union and why no one is relocating there.

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