Texas Man Charged With Murder After Shooting Ex in Front of Children During Birthday Party

Image by: Law & crime

A Texas man is accused of shooting his ex in the face in front of their children after interrupting a birthday party for one of the children. Jalin J. Foreman, 27, was charged with the murder of Jalen Whitlock, 25, Houston police said Sunday. Whitlock died after being shot in the face in her house while celebrating her 6-year-old’s birthday.

According to the criminal complaint, Foreman arrived at Whitlock’s townhouse shortly before 8:30 p.m. He allegedly was “trying to come to the house to give his daughter a birthday [gift], but [Whitlock] had told [Foreman] that he cannot come to the house.”

According to authorities, Whitlock’s boyfriend of approximately a year answered the door, and he and Foreman allegedly began arguing over a previous incident in which Foreman shot at Whitlock’s home.

The foreman “taunted him and said things about fighting, shooting, and coming to the back to fight,” according to the complaint. At this point, Foreman “became more aggressive and went back to his truck which was parked directly in front of the house,” whilst Whitlock’s children “were all together near the front entrance of the house.”

Whitlock’s boyfriend went to the kitchen to fetch a gun because Foreman “kept talking about shooting and fighting.”

According to the lawsuit, Whitlock’s boyfriend stated that when walking back toward the front entrance, Foreman opened fire. The boyfriend claims he fired back. At this point, Whitlock allegedly “yelled his name and grabbed the kids near the front door.”

After Whitlock’s boyfriend locked the front door, he discovered Whitlock had been shot and was on the floor. He then “told the kids to go upstairs,” according to the lawsuit.

Another witness, a neighbor, allegedly told police that she observed a guy, later identified as Foreman, drive up to the residence in a white Chevy Tahoe, get out, and shout at the house before he “shot at least 5 times at the townhome.”

“I’m not scared of you,” Foreman allegedly yelled, according to the witness. “I know where you live,” he also stated.

Surveillance footage purportedly shows a white SUV leaving the site and then returning shortly later. An additional witness reported seeing Foreman holding a gun at a stop sign in the Chevy Tahoe.

“[I] will reload, come outside, and let’s finish this,” Foreman allegedly stated, according to the witness.

Foreman is believed to have fled the area in a white Chevrolet Tahoe. In the days following the shooting, investigators say they swiftly recognized Foreman as the perpetrator, though not right away.

“We are confident that we will find this person,” Houston Police Lt. R. Wilkens said on Friday, according to Houston NBC station KPRC. “Hopefully, if he’s smart, he’ll turn himself in and come tell us exactly why he did what he did.”

Police were still looking for Foreman as of Monday morning.


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