SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A man is in the hospital fighting for his life after a firework exploded in his hands on Sunday morning.

The Sacramento Fire Department is warning others about the dangers of fireworks.

Residents in the North Sacramento neighborhood where the incident occurred report hearing someone let off fireworks late Saturday night and early Sunday morning. It occurred just a few feet away from numerous residences, and around half an acre was destroyed.

Firefighters who were on the site told ABC10 that it was one of the worst fireworks injuries they’d ever seen, and they didn’t know whether the man would live.

“This is awful, terrible, and dreadful. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” remarked adjacent resident Ontarious Warmsley.

During a Labor Day walk with his kid, Warmsley pointed out the damage caused by the fire created by the fireworks.

Sacramento Fire reports that the call came in at 8 a.m. near Rose Street and Vinci Avenue.

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“When they arrived, they discovered the man had significant injuries to both his hands and chest. The brother said that they were camping here at night when they observed a firework fall from the sky. The brother then walked outside and grabbed the firework and attempted to relight it in his hands,” said Sacramento Fire Department Capt. Justin Sylvia.

Sylvia claims it detonated, inflicting serious damage to the man’s hands and torso.

“I mean, it’s scary because it could have happened to anyone. We have a lot of youngsters on the trails,” Warmsley explained.

“The Battalion Chief on the scene did see these injuries and he’s been on this fire department for 20 years and he did describe this as one of the worst firework injuries that he’d ever seen in his career,” she said.

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The man in his twenties was brought to a hospital. He is in critical condition.

Sylvia believes this demonstrates that hazardous fireworks can occur at any time of the year. Although the fire department hasn’t received many reports concerning fireworks lately, they are aware that individuals are still setting them off.

“Fireworks are explosives, making them extremely risky to handle. If they malfunction, do not attempt to relight them. Dispose of it appropriately, preferably in a bucket of water. Allow it to sit overnight so it does not re-ignite,” Sylvia said.

Warmsley says his heart goes out to the young man and his family. They tell me he was young, and his life will be forever affected. If you lose your hands and chest cavity. I mean, you’re going to need care for the rest of your life because you lit some fireworks. It is not worth it. “It’s terrible; it’s not worth it,” remarked Warmsley.

Sacramento Fire is investigating the incident and determining who owned the fireworks.


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