FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND TURNS TRAGIC for Family of Alabama Teen Killed by Police

Image by: CBS 42

DECATUR, Ala.- One Decatur family experienced a tragedy over the Father’s Day weekend. Their 15-year-old son was shot and murdered by an Athens Police officer during a family gathering.

However, the teen’s parents claim there is a lot more to the story. “We want the community to know that what happened Saturday was not our sweet Gabriel,” said Adam McNutt, the 15-year-old’s father.

McNutt told News 19 that his son Gabriel had various physical issues and neurological damage that contributed to his conduct.

While McNutt is still absorbing things, he stated, “Our son is no longer suffering.”

Gabriel McNutt, 15, was Adam and Leslie McNutt’s oldest child.

His mother, Leslie, described what happened on Saturday as surprising. “I was just in a state of shock and disbelief that it got to where it did,” she stated. Gabriel, according to his family, experienced a lot in his brief 15 years of life.

When he was only a few months old, he was admitted to the hospital after accidentally ingesting a button battery. His family eventually started a Facebook page to raise awareness about the dangers of button batteries and tell his experience. The family’s story was also covered in an Animal Planet piece.

Gabriel was diagnosed with an AVM, or Arteriovenous Malformation, shortly after turning four years old and required brain surgery. His family described it as a miracle that he survived and recovered.

Gabriel has also had convulsions and ongoing neurological damage.


“If you look into that, it affects behavior and impulsiveness,” his mother, Leslie, explained. She claimed that can lead to mental disease.

Since earlier this year, the McNutts have been attempting to get Gabriel the best possible mental health care.
“We did all that we could to encourage Gabriel to let him know we’re not going to give up on him” according to Adam, his dad.

The McNutts said they wish the state had greater mental health resources.

“We went to four facilities, and it wasn’t until the last one that he actually got the help he needed,” Adam stated.

Gabriel returned home from his most recent therapy almost five weeks ago. It arrived precisely in time to celebrate his 15th birthday and Mother’s Day with his family. His parents believe he’s made significant progress, and they’re grateful for the opportunity to spend time together as a family.

On Saturday, the family gathered at Gabriel’s grandparents’ home in Athens to celebrate Father’s Day and a family birthday.

His mother recalls that he had a good time all morning. “Gabriel, you know, earlier that morning was just the Gabriel we’ve all known and loved,” she continued. “Then something just flipped and there was just a glaze over his eyes.”

According to his family, he suddenly became violent and acted out of character.

“He was just trying to attack us,” Adam explained. “We were just like ‘Gabriel, wake up, come back to us, please stop'” he explained. “He was just not there.”

Athens Police were dispatched to the house to help de-escalate the situation.

However, Gabriel discovered a gun in a closet.

“I knew in that moment that it just wasn’t going to be good,” Adam recalled.

According to Athens Police, Gabriel fired one shot, and the cops returned fire, hitting Gabriel.

Adam described how it felt to hold his son in his arms while they attempted to save him from his injuries. Gabriel died later in the day.

While the family is still grieving this devastating loss, they insist the cops are not to blame for Gabriel’s death.

Adam, his father, expressed his hope that the police officers “don’t carry this”.

“We did everything we could, It’s no one’s fault,” he stated. “It’s a tragedy.”

Gabriel’s parents say he was a fervent believer and that he is now pain-free.

“He’s at peace with Jesus,” his father explained.

The family expressed gratitude to the community for its support. A memorial service and funeral are scheduled for later this week.

Source: cbs42.com

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