Unveiling the Secrets of Alabama’s Abandoned Town: A Journey Through Cahawba


Nestled deep within Alabama’s landscape lies a forgotten relic of the past: an abandoned town that has quietly withstood the test of time. This hidden gem, largely unknown to most people, offers a fascinating glimpse into the state’s history. Once a bustling hub of activity, the town now stands silent and deserted, its buildings and streets echoing tales of a bygone era.

Exploring this eerie yet captivating site reveals the rich heritage and unexpected stories that shaped Alabama. Join us as we uncover the secrets of this mysterious ghost town, a hidden chapter in the state’s intriguing history.

Alabama’s First Capital: A Turbulent Quest (Stats & Facts)

Alabama’s path to statehood in 1819 was characterized by a struggle to establish a permanent capital. The young state moved between temporary capitals like St. Stephens and Huntsville, looking for a central location to host its administration.

Fact: Alabama became the 22nd state of the United States on December 14, 1819.
Statistic: Between 1817 and 1819, Alabama changed its interim capital location three times.

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The Rise of Cahawba: Statistics and Facts

The Alabama Territorial Legislature chose Cahawba as the state’s first permanent capital in 1819, citing its strategic location on a bend in the navigable Alabama River. The town’s position was advantageous for transportation and trade, resulting in fast growth.

Fact: Cahawba was officially proclaimed as the state capital on December 13, 1819, just one day before Alabama became statehood.
Statistic: Cahawba had a population of around 1,200 people in 1820, which was a large amount for a frontier town.

A bustling river port town (statistics & facts)

Cahawba rapidly became a thriving riverport town. Steamboats cruised the Alabama River, bringing cotton, maize, and other items, resulting in a thriving economy. Merchants opened up shop, legislators met in the newly erected State Capitol Building, and Cahawba was home to a diverse population, including enslaved people.

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Fact: The Alabama River, an important transportation route, is the longest navigable river entirely within Alabama, measuring 314 miles.
Statistic: Historical records suggest that approximately 50,000 bales of cotton were shipped from Cahawba in 1833, demonstrating the town’s economic significance.


Cahawba, formerly Alabama’s bustling first capital, is now an unsettling but enchanting ghost town. Its strategic location on the Alabama River fueled tremendous expansion and economic prosperity in the early nineteenth century. Today, exploring Cahawba reveals a rich tapestry of history, providing an intriguing peek into Alabama’s past and the stories that impacted its path to statehood.

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